Hotel armed robbery, NSW

Police are appealing for information following an armed robbery at Port Macquarie overnight.

About 10.40pm (Tuesday 12 February 2019), three men entered a hotel on Hastings River Drive just after it had closed for the day.

The men were reportedly armed with an axe, a tomahawk and a knife, and approached three staff members who were counting the day’s takings.

Staff were threatened before the men left the premises with an amount of cash.

The men are described as being of Aboriginal / Torres Strait Islander appearance and were wearing hooded tops with their faces and hands partially covered.

Police from Mid North Coast Police District were notified of the incident.

A crime scene was established and was examined by forensic officers.

Anyone who may be able to assist detectives is urged to contact Port Macquarie police station on 6583 0199 or Crime Stoppers.

Anyone with information about this incident is urged to contact Crime Stoppers: 1800 333 000 or Information is treated in strict confidence.

/Public Release. View in full here.