Sunset Clause Annual Release 2024

WA Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety

The Department of Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety will begin the annual release of mineral exploration reports in early May.

Mineral explorers are required to report annually on their exploration activities within Western Australia. After a period of confidentiality, the exploration reports and data are made available to the public, in accordance with Regulation 96(4) of the Mining Regulations 1981.

The department released about 1,400 reports in 2023. Mining and exploration data is an invaluable resource for the State, mining and exploration companies and the wider geoscientific community.

Two lists detail the reports submitted in accordance with section 115A of the Mining Act 1978 which are now eligible for release. Reports submitted in 2018 are being advertised for the first time. In addition, objections lodged in 2018 for reports submitted between 2012 and 2023 have now lapsed and need to be renewed or the reports will be released. Both of these lists of reports are available on the department’s website.

Tenement holders and operators have two months to object in writing to the release of any mineral exploration reports.

Regulation 96(5) states the Minister can hold the release of information after receiving a written application for objection by a mining tenement holder. Objections to the release of a report are only valid for a period not exceeding five years in each case.

Objections must be received by Friday, 26 April 2024.

The first five-year period of confidentiality is mandatory. Following this, if an objection is approved, the period of confidentiality granted is at the Minister’s discretion.

/Public Release. View in full here.