Latest antibacterial News

Orangutan Treats Wound With Pain-relieving Plant
Antimicrobial Agents Of Future
An apple cider vinegar drink a day? New study shows it might help weight loss
WHO Medically Important Antimicrobial List 2024
Nanofiber bandages fight infection, speed healing
How often should you wash your sheets and towels?
Cyclone brings flooding and swarms of mosquitoes. It only takes one bite to pick up Ross River or Dengue viruses
What happens to teeth as you age? And how can you extend the life of your smile?
Australian Manuka honey company achieve rare and unprecedented MGO levels
Nanotech takes on orthopedics
Polyethylene waste could be thing of past
Drug resistance may make common infections like thrush untreatable
Using antibacterial lipids in nanoparticles combined with established treatment shows promise against antibiotic resistant bacteria
Planet Water Foundation Launches Programs Across Six Countries With a Focus on Handwashing to Improve Community Health
‘Seaweed mask’ adds to whale-y good day spa offerings
Pholcodine medicines will not be available from next year
Tiny nanocarriers could prove the magic bullet for acne sufferers
Ultrathin nanotech promises to help tackle antibiotic resistance
Titanium micro-spikes skewer resistant superbugs
HKUST and King’s Flair Establish Joint Laboratory
Australian ant honey inhibits tough pathogens, new research shows
First cohort dosed in RECCE 327 rapid infusion UTI clinical trial
Dairy vs plant-based foods and the relationship to oral health
Wallaby joeys and platypus puggles are tiny and undeveloped when born. But their mother’s milk is near-magical
For coral, teamwork makes dream work
New WHO report highlights progress, but also remaining gaps, in ensuring a robust pipeline of antibiotic treatments to combat antimicrobial resistance (AMR)
Upcycling method turns textile trash to functional coatings
WHO releases priorities for research and development of age-appropriate antibiotics
“Inkable” nanomaterial promises big benefits for bendable electronics
Can beetroot really improve athletic performance?
Nature’s call to nanotech
‘Lights out’ for antibiotic-resistant superbugs
Researchers may have found new biomarker for acute Covid
Are all types of sugar same?
Metal shows its steel against fungal infections
Honey has sweet potential for wound healing, argue scientists
Common ingredient in household products could be contributing to antibiotic resistance
New findings may reduce risk of infection for patients with urinary catheters
Tips to avoid spreading stomach bug