Latest archaeology News

Appointment To National Cultural Heritage Committee
Proto-Sarada Writings: Traces of Daily Life in Ancient India
How Neanderthal language differed from modern human – they probably didn’t use metaphors
Monash University Professor awarded prestigious research fellowship to support Gunaikurnai archaeological discoveries
Cornell Helps Displaced Scholars Rebuild Lives, Careers
Frequent Disturbances Increased the Resilience of Past Populations
La Trobe Signs MoU With Greek University
Did Vesuvius Bury Home Of First Roman Emperor?
UQ Leads Subjects In QS World University Ranking
University of Adelaide scores highly in subject rankings
La Trobe recognised for health innovation in QS world subject rankings
Health Innovation Recognition In QS Rankings
We have revealed a unique time capsule of Australia’s first coastal people from 50,000 years ago
Human Activity on Curaçao Began Centuries Earlier Than Previously Believed, Study Finds
CSIRO helps Heritage NSW solve 120-year maritime mystery of the SS Nemesis
Bridge Mall redevelopment works revitalise historic retail precinct
Historical musical innovator awarded science prize
Uncovering hidden history at Cape Schanck
Historic collaboration for Joadja heritage site with a new Conservation Management Plan
Mysterious pearl shells unearthed in French Polynesia
Research identifies renowned rock art sites
Ancient cities provide key datasets for urban planning, policy and predictions in the Anthropocene
New analysis unlocks the hidden meaning of 15,000-year-old rock art in Arnhem Land
Chance find fulfils 110-year mission to give ancient Nubians a voice
University members recognised in 2024 New Year Honours
Shipwrecks offer insights into subsea ecology
Australian Atlantis: Ancient submerged landscapes reveal a mosaic of human habitation
Deputy of Administrator
Dishing dirt on human evolution
Was going to space a good idea?
Unveiling the deep-time story of sacred Wiradjuri carved trees (marara) and burials (dhabuganha)
Ramses: golden treasures of the superstar pharaoh come to Sydney
No scientific evidence for cognitively advanced behaviours and symbolism by Homo naledi
No scientific evidence Homo naledi was advanced
New approach to understanding Aboriginal foodways
Research ‘sweep’: Martindale Hall
Please explain: Why do 2.5 million tourists pour into Pompeii every year?
Superlensing without a superlens: microscopes boosted beyond limits
Braiding Indigenous knowledge and science
Amazonian Rainforest Hides Thousands of Records of Ancient Indigenous Communities Under Its Forest Canopy, According to a Study Published in the Journal Science
New archaeological discoveries set to transform understanding of Arthur’s Stone
International Museum Conference: Truth-telling in a post truth era
AFP Forensics assist in recovery of WWII soldier remains in PNG
Historic Launch of the Unified International Scientific Center Initiative to Address Climate Impact on Earth
Modifying microbes to eat plastic; climate solutions; rewilding to save species; and what policies add up?
Beauty, wine and death in ancient world
CEF Yass Valley Celebrates 25 Years
Possible remains of 187-year-old gaol uncovered in Albany