Latest Arizona News | Page 3

Megadroughts helped topple ancient empires
Researchers to engineer synthetic anaerobic bacteria to capture, convert methane
Lightning strikes four times
Search for clues may explain collapse of ancient city in Mexico
UNSW tackles global security challenges with partners in UK and USA
How to stop cities and companies causing planetary harm
‘Micro-fridge’ helps investigate behaviour of atoms and molecules
NASA is launching 1st stage of Artemis mission – here’s why humans are going back to Moon
Curtin-developed machine learning ‘phones home’ for famous Martian rock
Source of ancient Martian rocks found using Perth supercomputer
Optus Stadium continues winning streak with international award
Researchers seek to advance anti-racist school counseling, offer guidelines
Air Force’s first fifth-generation fighter combat instructors
MOU strengthens ties between University of Arizona and UWA
Apple and Major League Baseball announce July “Friday Night Baseball” schedule
Walking towards healthier knees
Arizona lithium commits to Arizona for research facility and processing facility
Eagle Mountain Delivers Further Positive Drilling Results at Oracle Ridge
Apple’s WWDC22 Swift Student Challenge winners help communities through coding
Tobacco hawkmoths always find right odor
Apple unveils new Apple Watch Pride Edition bands
Air show pilot takes us into cockpit of F-35A
Apple introduces new professional training to support growing IT workforce
Sibling interactions impact child well-being in Latinx children
An image of Milky Way’s black hole
First image of an Invisible
Learning about technology vital to social, cultural development, researcher says
Western municipal water restraints rise as reservoirs fall
Scientists find elusive gas from post-starburst galaxies hiding in plain sight
Weleda embarks on mission to ‘save earth’s skin’
Researchers find patterns of handgun carrying among youth in rural areas, building foundation for injury prevention
People around world like same kinds of smell
Fulbright Scholarship steps up QUT’s work to reduce diabetic amputations
BOLD and beautiful
Update on CALLA Phase III trial of concurrent use of Imfinzi and chemoradiotherapy
Apple launches first driver’s license and state ID in Wallet with Arizona
Large moons may be clue for habitable planets
Ilya Kaminsky to read from poetry collections March 24
Australian astrophysicist to lead prestigious centre
Ideology impacts who seeks federal benefits
What Explains Our Lower Back Pain? Anthropologists Turn to Neandertals for Answers
Nelson homicide – name release
Boeing Awarded Contract for Eight AH-6 Helicopters for Thailand
Milkweed species proves beneficial for monarch conservation
Southern Cross Uni geochemist’s ARC funding to unlock secrets of earliest human evolution
Study Finds Survivors of Weather-Related Disasters May Have Accelerated Aging in Monkeys
Saving aquatic insects: We may be looking in wrong place
Australians managing COVID risks “on their own”