Latest bioengineering News

HKUST and Beijing Tiantan Hospital Forge Strategic Partnership
Six Projects Receive StratNeuro Start-up Grants
StratNeuro Start-up Grant
Consortium identifies 5 grand challenges in biomedical engineering
Microsoft and the University of Sydney agree to collaborate on AI capability
Immune cells can adapt to invading pathogens, deciding whether to fight now or prepare for the next battle
Ultrasound jolts lazy sperm to life, offering hope in male infertility
Fatty acids hold clue to creating memories
$35 million to fight blindness with manufactured corneas
Shock wave photographed passing through single cell
Sugar permeation discovered in plant aquaporins
Leaving on jet plane in genes
Turning back clock on brains aged by Covid
Engineering Bacteria to Biosynthesize Intricate Protein Complexes
New order for brewer’s yeast
Scientists one step closer to re-writing world’s first synthetic yeast genome, unravelling the fundamental building blocks of life
UQ to establish world leading mRNA lab
BCM Global Programs to serve as clinical core for NIH Point of Care Technologies Research Network
Taste of future: crafting new dairy products
Queensland and Japan universities to continue energy innovation
Salt water-degradable plastics to help oceans
Engineering of plant cell wall modifying enzymes opens new horizons
Researchers awarded combined $2.67m DECRA funding
Unveiling Novel Mechanism Underlying the Heat Shock Response in Escherichia coli
Using engineering to power others
New technology promises rapid and reliable development of new diagnostic tests
Towards Artificial Photosynthesis with Engineering of Protein Crystals in Bacteria
Economic life of cells
ARC Linkage grant will use synchrotron techniques to analyse and evaluate innovative battery technology
Yeast dust makes cheap, fast virus test
Close up on aging reveals different cells age at different pace
Close up on aging reveals how different cell types in the body age at different pace
Biodegradable bags to revolutionise mushroom farming
Nanoparticles deliver brain cancer treatment
China visit strengthens economic and aviation ties with WA
Using tiny brains to treat rare, hereditary diseases
FY2022 STAR grant recipients selected
Funding boost for world-first cell transplantation research for nervous system repair
Investigating the Effects on Amide-to-Ester Substitutions on Membrane Permeability of Cyclic Peptides
IWD2023: Neena Mitter named one of 50 women at the cutting edge of Aust science
Cotton researcher Neena Mitter: one of 50 women at the cutting edge of Australian science
Making high tech medical gels with Australian spinifex grass
Biosensor could lead to new drugs, sensory organs on chip
Academy Fellows celebrated with Order of Australia honours
Cleanroom to sweep in Queensland scientific excellence
Magnetic method to clean PFAS contaminated water
Full house at second TECH Cooking Studio
Demand booms for experimental mRNA from UQ BASE