Latest Fisheries News | Page 2

National Day of Action as farmers stand against Biosecurity Protection Levy
Report provides insights into marine recovery
Refinement Of Future Drought Fund Welcomed By Farmers
Beef 2024 Ready To Go In Rockhampton
Miles Government Doubles Steaks For Beef2027
Turf Industry responds to Ministers statement linking the origins of the Oakey infestation to a turf farm
Science and research recognised at WA Seafood Industry Awards
Gillnet-free zones put Gulf fisheries on track for more sustainable future
New Snobs Creek Fish Conservation Hatchery Complete
Researchers to investigate prevalence of PFAS in livestock
Cook Government boost to build Carnarvon artificial reef
Livestock Vaccine Manufactured In NSW For First Time
Community hui to talk about kina barrens
New Arrivals To Expand Local Llama Gene Pool
Trout spawning stream rules now in place in Thredbo and Eucumbene rivers
$17.3 million boost for Cook Government Shark Hazard Mitigation
Llamas Quarantine Journey Expands Local Gene Pool
Sustainability Grants Get Farmers On Front Foot
Underwater cultural heritage: why we’re studying ‘orphaned objects’ to work out which shipwrecks they came from
Progress towards emissions reduction goal detailed in beef industry sustainability update
Tuna In For This One
‘Pawsome Vets’: World Veterinary Day Celebrates Vital Health Workers
Supporting our Agribusiness Industry to reach $2 billion
Abrolhos Islands’ future secured with $8.1 million tourism boost
Building Workforce To Deliver
Metcash’s proposed acquisition of Superior Food Services not opposed
‘Catastrophic’ System Failure Under Investigation
NSW Government supports establishment of Commercial Fishing peak industry body
Bendigo hosting roadshow to empower recreational anglers
New catch limits for unique fishery areas
In Cameroon, FAO supports World Bank-funded project targeting nutrition, early warning systems, resilience and capacity-building for small-scale farmers
Swan Hill hosting roadshow to empower recreational anglers
Western Australian Temperate Demersal Gillnet and Demersal Longline Fisheries – Agency application 2024
Fifteen Illegal Fishers Handed Hefty Fines
Sustainable Ag Summit To Drive Path Forward
Bringing New Life To Ancient Nut
Restoring coastal habitat boosts wildlife numbers by 61% – but puzzling failures mean we can still do better
Tale Of Two Fishers And 8-year Agreement
Fresh Focus For Our Regions
Tougher dangerous dog laws put the bite on irresponsible owners
Government backing mussel spat project
More Funding For Agritech Events In Regional Australia
​Australia joins with UK to deliver large-scale water quality monitoring from space
NFF backs the government’s response to the APVMA review
Building Better, Stronger APVMA
Unnecessary bureaucracy cut in oceans sector
CSIRO Report Sows Seeds For Australia’s Farming Future
Roundtables seek agreement for defining Indigenous agricultural products