Latest Foreign Minister News | Page 2

The Hon Patrick Gorman MP Doorstop interview – Parliament House
Australian Prime Minister Doorstop interview – Parliament House
“Our human rights are not for sale” – Communities remind Penny Wong ahead of Chinese Foreign Minister’s visit to Canberra
Don’t Trade Away our Human Rights: Communities remind Penny Wong ahead of Chinese Foreign Minister’s visit to Canberra
NZ and Chinese Foreign Ministers hold official talks
Australian Foreign Minister To Visit Republic Of Korea
Singapore rounds out regional trip
Plan International Australia welcomes Australian Government decision to unfreeze critical UNRWA funding in Gaza
Save the Children welcomes Australia’s decision to reinstate funding to UNRWA
Early visit to Indonesia strengthens ties
China Foreign Minister to visit
The Hon Patrick Gorman MP Television interview – Sky News Afternoon Agenda
While the China threat grabs the headlines, these are the maritime issues Southeast Asians want to talk about
Politics with Michelle Grattan: John Blaxland on spies, AUKUS, and an unsettled Washington
Paul Keating lets fly at Foreign Minister Penny Wong and ASIO chief Mike Burgess
Foreign Minister visit to India, Indonesia, Singapore
Travel bans on extremist Israeli settlers
Joining AUKUS could boost NZ’s poor research and technology spending – but at what cost?
G20 Foreign Ministers’ Meeting 2024
$50 million in Australian support for International Fund for Ukraine
The Hon Patrick Gorman MP Television interview – Sky News Afternoon Agenda
PNG has key role in the Pacific’s future security: PM Marape
Australia commences new social security agreement with Serbia
Australia-New Zealand Ministerial Consultations
NZ-Aust Foreign Affairs, Defence ministers to meet
Australia must reinstate UNRWA funds to avoid complicity with Israel’s genocide
Australian foreign minister to visit Timor-Leste and Nauru
Australian foreign minister to visit Indonesia 25 January
New Zealand deploying NZDF team to protect Red Sea shipping
Visit To Jordan, Israel, the Occupied Palestinian Territories and the United Arab Emirates
Australia must support South African ICJ case against Israeli genocide: APAN
Foreign Minister’s first overseas visit to the Pacific
China expert, present at Xi visit to US, aims to cool tensions
WORLD AIDS DAY: HIV Taskforce charts path to ending HIV transmission by 2030
Condolence motion for Bill Hayden, House of Representatives, Parliament House, Canberra
Faith leaders head to Canberra – calling for no new coal or gas and urgent action on the climate crisis
ICRC President to meet with families of hostages
Australian Greens statement one month after the terrorist acts by Hamas into Israel
Greens boycott Question Time after Labor rejects ceasefire call on Gaza
Australian foreign minister to visit Shanghai, China
Australia joins declaration on safe and responsible artificial intelligence in the military
Support for Vanuatu in response to Tropical Cyclone Lola
Australian foreign minister to visit Japan
Release of Ms Cheng Lei
Government to assist with departures from Tel Aviv
MEAA welcomes return to Australia of journalist Cheng Lei
Sky News with Kieran Gilbert 11 October
Australian foreign minister to visit Sri Lanka