Latest Great Barrier Reef News | Page 2

Australia’s long-sought stronger environmental laws just got indefinitely deferred. It’s back to business as usual
Global coral bleaching caused by global warming demands a global response
Poll shows Queenslanders support 75% emissions cut target; new bleaching map
Cattle Property In Landmark Protection Acquisition
Ogden Street Art Revived
Report confirms Great Barrier Reef has suffered worst summer on record
Reef snapshot details widespread coral bleaching on the Great Barrier Reef
Labor breaks promise to deliver real environmental protection
Incomplete nature reforms leave our environment dangerously exposed
National EPA Needs Strong Environment Laws To Enforce
Extinction Crisis Demands Full Reform Of Nature Law
Fragmented nature laws a ‘major disappointment’: Conservation Councils
Political Action Only Saviour For Great Barrier Reef
Australia has outsized impact on climate & global coral bleaching
Global marine heatwave a stark reminder: President’s statement
Unfolding global bleaching calls for collaboration and solutions
Deep impact: New data shows Great Barrier Reef suffering underwater bushfire on par with Black Summer
Ex-TC Jasper exceptional assistance grants approved for FNQ tourism operators
Discovery of Australia’s oldest pottery rewrites understanding of Aboriginal marine history
On Front Line With Wreck Rock Turtle Volunteers
‘Worst I’ve seen’: new footage shows Reef bleaching in deeper waters from record marine heatwave 
The heat is on: what we know about why ocean temperatures keep smashing records
AgForce Federal Court case to test whether Australia’s Great Artesian Basin is a Matter of National Environmental Significance
Aboriginal people made pottery and sailed to distant offshore islands thousands of years before Europeans arrived
Discovery of Australia’s oldest pottery rewrites understanding of Aboriginal maritime history
How whales struggle to navigate in a sea of noise pollution
Whales May Get Lost In Noisy Ocean
Deep parts of Great Barrier Reef ‘insulated’ from global warming – for now
Greens call for full transparency of Great Barrier Reef covert mission
Corals Can Bounce Back After Heatwaves
Savannah Sounds On Great Barrier Reef
The Social Outfit wins coveted Gold National Banksia Sustainability Award
Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Protected Area Grows
Conservationists challenge approval of Qld coal climate disaster
Out of alignment: how clashing policies make for terrible environmental outcomes
Remarkable achievements in research recognised with Academy awards
Academy’s national symposium on food futures yields fruitful discussion
International Cricket Schedule for Season 2024-25 Announced
New safety campaign ahead of busy holiday period on K’gari
24 03 FSH MR Help save our protected marine life this Easter by choosing sustainable seafood options
Queensland leads domestic holiday market ahead of school holidays
Lots Of Activities On Offer For School Holidays
Bleaching can hamper reproduction and recovery in corals
Miles Government funds agriculture extension officers in reef catchments
Woodside’s Burrup Hub Climate Bomb In Making
What You Can Do To Help Reef Right Now
Even far from the ocean, Australia’s drylands are riddled with salty groundwater. What can land managers do?
Enhanced Protection For Marine Jewel Mudjimba Reef