Latest job cuts News | Page 2

It’s Hunger Games Mark II for Professional Staff at Macquarie University
Ausgrid staff let down as management freezes wages, continues to cut jobs
Women outpace men on COVID-19 economic recovery
SCU job cuts could affect quality of student degrees
Workers protest as Premier’s public sector cuts hurt
Enhanced COVID-19 Testing and Regulatory Reforms Key to Preserving Benefits of Aviation for Greece
NTEU to rally against outsourcing and job cuts at ANU
Griffith Uni Staff Furious Over Restructure that “Only” Foreshadows 300 Job Losses While Management Keeps Cash
100 job cuts at Grosvenor reinforces precarious situation for casuals
Finance Sector Union reacts to suncorp job cuts 29 September
Opera Australia at a crossroads
Razor gang drives fast-tracked PS review
Vital Signs: 50 years ago Milton Friedman told us greed was good. He was half right
Finance Sector Union reacts to Suncorp job cuts
Government must not cut jobs as part of Tasmanian State Service review
CPA Australia calls for further support for businesses during COVID restrictions
Unions take AFL to industrial umpire over major restructure and job cuts
Qantas workers to protest Job cuts today – TWU calls for public equity stake
TWU takes Qantas to court for abusing Jobkeeper
Statement from ACTU President Michele O’Neil on Qantas job cuts
AFL slammed for “appalling” treatment of loyal staff as hundreds set to lose jobs
PSA condemns Dept Internal Affairs job cuts
AWU National Secretary Daniel Walton and CFMEU National President Tony Maher
Auckland Council must avoid unnecessary and harmful cutbacks
Mass UNSW Job Cuts Devastating and Infuriating
Auckland Council’s proposed job cuts challenged
Credit Union Australia job cuts
Death by a thousand cuts for ABC staff
CSIRO to pull plug on energy jobs
Business activity shows signs of growth
Government backs in its postal service cuts
Australia Post seeks critical support for temporary changes and commits to no forced redundancies
90-day trials should be fully reinstated
CQUniversity rejects Jobs Protection Framework in Favour of Redundancies
Women’s Index: COVID-19 hits female financial progress
Sydney: Ferry operators sack 180 workers, with more jobs at risk
HealthCare NZ makes concessions, but remains committed to harmful job cuts
HealthCare NZ makes concessions, but remains committed to harmful job cuts
Hydro head walks away
Corporate leadership vacuum: ANZ set to axe 230 jobs
Government’s profits of doom
HealthCare NZ job cuts symptom of deeper crisis in support sector
Gutwein’s review will cut jobs and services
Economic reform in automotive industry needs a change of gears
How much will dividend raid hurt Tasmanians?
Historic Public Service low
Macquarie Uni Staff to Fight Job Cuts