Latest microscopy News | Page 2

Preventing catastrophic failure in lithium ion batteries
David Muller wins Cowley Medal and Keithley Award
Tiny networks intertwine to mimic design of bird colors
UNSW researcher awarded NSW Health cardiovascular grant
Superlensing without a superlens: microscopes boosted beyond limits
Research: DNA shredder for gene therapy
Promising material provides a simple, effective method capable of extracting uranium from seawater
Unraveling Mystery of Dynamic Friction at Atomic Level
Stacking Order and Strain Boosts Second-Harmonic Generation with 2D Janus Hetero-bilayers
Nanostructure explains the behaviour of molecules with liquid-like properties
Why does my hair turn green from the swimming pool?
Hydration matters: The interaction patterns of water and oxide crystals revealed
Study finds how some ion channels form structures permitting drug delivery
Researchers define a protocol for narrow cantilever fabrication and high-resolution imaging of living cells using AFM
Peering into nanofluidic mysteries one photon at time
Advanced Technology Reveals Intricate Details of Zinc Transportation in Cells
Graphene discovery could help generate cheaper and more sustainable hydrogen
Beauty of Research
A Nanocapsulation Strategy for Facile Analysis and Processing of Insoluble Aromatic Polymers in Water
Beaker Street, where science and art meet in Hobart
Imaging shows how solar-powered microbes turn CO2 into bioplastic
Selectivity Effect of Molecular Chirality May Have Universal Applications, Researchers Find
Machine learning enhances X-ray imaging of nanotextures
Experiments provide insights into the molecular mechanism for memory and learning
Life as explorer | mentors in science
DNA shapes itself to execute new functions
UQ researchers tackle viruses with pandemic potential
Vaginal microbes could lead to a better understanding of HIV
Video games spark exciting new frontier in neuroscience
Enhancing carbon dioxide reduction
Laser-induced Monolayer Graphene Nanoprocessing
Botox discovery that could save lives
Pioneering ubiquitin researcher inducted as Academy Fellow
Unraveling the Mechanism of Green Emission Peaks in Single Polyfluorene Chains
Experiments reveal chilli-sensitive molecular structure fluctuation changes in TRPV1
New method for micromanipulation goes into practice
New Surface Coating Technology Increases Materials’ Electron Emission Seven-fold
Academy launches Ukraine-Australia research fund
Metal trees in battery
Wiggly proteins guard genome
New nanoparticle source generates high-frequency light
New research sheds light on how circadian rhythms work
Project aims to unveil secrets about cell size diversity
Nature-study reveals new mechanism for DNA folding
Fungi makes meal of hard to recycle plastic
Synchrotron technique reveals more details of mysterious underlying portrait in Renaissance painting held by Art Gallery of NSW
Researchers capture first atomic-scale images depicting early stages of particle accelerator film formation
Scanning probe simultaneously captures structural and ion concentration changes