Latest multiple sclerosis News

Australian researchers make strides in understanding little-known ‘cousin of MS’
What your feet can tell you about your health
What is metabolism? A biochemist explains how different people convert energy differently − and why that matters for your health
Hope For Treating Autoimmune Diseases
Three new McNair Scholars join Baylor College of Medicine as the College hosts the 12th annual McNair Symposium
Over 1 in 3 people affected by neurological conditions, the leading cause of illness and disability worldwide
Better Together, With Professor Mohamed Khadra
New Funding To Advance Multiple Sclerosis Research
PSEP: An Innovative Wearable Device for Fashionable Personal Thermal Comfort
World-first discovery may enable an effective long-term lupus treatment
Cheaper medicines for advanced melanoma and multiple sclerosis
A new government inquiry will examine women’s pain and treatment. How and why is it different?
Is it OK if my child eats lots of fruit but no vegetables?
New adaptive clinical trial offers new hope for progressive multiple sclerosis
Neurodegeneration in myelin disease: no myelin is better than bad myelin
Igniting Inclusion event celebrates International Day for People with Disability through art, laughter, and action
Police remind motorists of road closures ahead of the MS Gong Ride 2023
Brown, red, black, riceberry – what are these white rice alternatives, and are they actually healthier?
Mental health nurses and clinicians key to reducing recreational cannabis harm
Alexion data at 9th Joint ECTRIMS-ACTRIMS Meeting (MSMilan2023) showcase impact of C5 inhibition in NMOSD
Participant Dashboard updates
Ad Scientiam Launches International Study to Assess Disability Progression in Multiple Sclerosis With MSCopilot
Update on US regulatory review of Ultomiris in NMOSD
New impulses for immune research
On trail of secrets of immune cells
Australian vaccine breakthrough offers hope against EBV-associated cancers and MS
Evidence snapshot on the effects of psychological interventions for mood in people living with multiple sclerosis
Vaccine breakthrough offers hope against EBV-associated cancers and MS
$2.7 million in MRFF grants for MS research and maternity studies
Call for more research into what causes Alzheimer’s
WHO endorses landmark public health decisions on Essential Medicines for Multiple Sclerosis
Eight Curtin health and medical research projects awarded funding
What is medical cannabis?
Autoimmunity art: Making science accessible for blind and low-vision audiences
First genetic marker discovered for MS severity
New clues in understanding faster disease progression in multiple sclerosis
New change facility in Busselton to support locals and visitors with disability
New study to help Aussie farmers curb chronic pain
Top Griffith scientists head to Canberra to make case for thousands with ME/CFS
New study reduces risks associated with MS medication
Native tobacco plants reborn as ‘biofactories’ for medicines
Tackling the rise of autoimmune diseases with genetically modified cell therapies
Monash Expert: Spotlight on multiple sclerosis as numbers climb
Shining light on ‘lesser known’ disability
The budget includes $7.3 million to get more young people out of aged care homes. Is it enough?
How old are your internal organs?
A novel biomarker and potential improved therapy for multiple sclerosis and related neurodegenerative disorders
Bacterial toxin may trigger multiple sclerosis onset and relapse