Latest NSW Farmers News | Page 2

Calls for action on harmful chemical sprays
“The whole country has been put at risk of fire ants because Labor was too slow to act”
Drastic fire ant efforts critical
Better energy consultation vital say farmers
Farmers and families at mercy of retail giants
Farm leader role made permanent
Safety must for visitors this Christmas
Support local farmers this Christmas
Jackson must rule out buybacks
Fire ant review must be top priority
Premier Minns urged to distance himself from Albanese Government
Detection of Red Imported Fire Ants in South Murwillumbah
Show Basin communities the same support as mining towns impacted by mine closures, say farmers
Farmers fear more red tape on the way, with NSW Government launching new water review
NSW Farmers welcomes Minns Government’s $250 million Drought Fund
Widespread water protest planned
Disaster survey must for fire-affected farmers
Labor’s Basin plans will result in higher food prices, farmers warn
Help support farmers affected by bushfires
Government ignoring impact of buybacks
Angus Gidley-Baird appointed Independent Chair of Sheep Sustainability Framework
NSW Farmers joins campaign against anti-farming policies
Trade deal cheap photo opp
$1.5m awarded to 17 dairy farmers, capping off $5m in industry investment from Woolworths
Billions in savings one step closer
Country women design their destiny
Call to stop rising pest costs
Rebate scheme shortchanges farmers
“Kick in guts” for blindsided farmers
‘Kick in guts’ for dairy farmers
Varroa reveals need for biosecurity boost
Country spend vital for future growth
Farmers welcome new powerline inquiry
Real cost of water buybacks revealed
Labor’s sham inquiry on overhead power lines breaks the hearts of rural landholders
Solutions to country vet shortage
Review risks revolt
Brownhill Cup tradition continues
Connecting DPI research to farmers for greater resilience
Building on success for agricultural sector
Farm leader calls out Euro ‘madness’
NSW Farmers CEO leaving Association in strong shape
Free haircuts and expert advice
Farmers welcome progress on ferals
Labor leaves bush high and dry
Don’t repeat mistakes in bush push
Powerline upgrade could stop farm shock
Farmers investing in future