Latest outbreak News | Page 40

Climate lies of Labor and Greens sealed poll loss
No new measles cases but risk is not over
STORY OP: Whooping cough outbreaks spark warning for older Australians to get vaccinations
Get immunised against measles if you’re going overseas
Anti-vax student sues, loses, then get chickenpox
Worst flu season ever approaching but still no winter health plan from Liberals
Record Numbers of Flu Vaccines to be Provided in 2019
Flood of mosquito disease avoided
Changing climate may affect animal-to-human disease transfer
Loxton declared fruit fly free
Yemen cholera outbreak: 100,000 children infected since start of 2019
Major spike in cholera likely as agencies struggle to reach infected people in Yemen
Don’t serve up Salmonella this Easter
Major spike in cholera likely as agencies struggle to reach infected people – Oxfam
Government gives thumbs up to South Wairarapa water move
Early flu season prompts launch of innovative tracking system
Holiday health reminder – measles and mosquitoes
Australia sees surge in beef and lamb exports to China
Labor caught out politicising flu season
Cyclone Idai: Almost 200 babies expected to be born daily amidst cholera, malaria outbreak
Vaccination and antivirals: tools to prevent and treat flu
Minimum wage hike will cost jobs, slow growth
Measles Update – Vaccination program extended
At least 6,000 children still in temporary shelters, six months on from Sulawesi disaster
Protecting Our Most Vulnerable: Free Measles Vaccine Available at Nine Months Old
1,000 children infected every day as Yemen cholera outbreak spikes
Response to Syphilis Outbreak Steps up Again
Kentucky Governor sparks concern with anti-vax remarks
WHO committed to tackling Ebola in DRC
Supporting Tasmanian egg producers
First No Jab, No Play laws introduced into Parliament
Further measles cases in Darwin
Summer flu strikes aged care facilities
NSW Health warns of a rise in gastroenteritis among children
Deadly measles and plague outbreaks in Madagascar
Zika down in Brazil, but caution still advised
Salmonella linked to Angkor Bakery update
Wheat rust outbreak could cost Australia up to $1.4 billion
Review of MDB Threatened Species Listings
Second worst Ebola outbreak taking its toll
Flu hitches a ride home to NSW with travellers
It’s not easy being green