Latest religious discrimination News

Crisis of faith: why Australian women have so little trust in religious institutions
Radio Interview – ABC National Breakfast
Doorstop – Parliament House 2 April
View from the Hill: Albanese hit by unexpected wave as he tries to clear the decks
A Bi-Partisan Religious Discrimination Bill IS possible
Religious discrimination review can’t be a trojan horse for hate
Colour and conflict: Mardi Gras has always danced between two worlds 
Civil Society Organizations Brief the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women on the Situation of Women in Greece, Oman and…
Support Removes ANY Reason to Delay Religious Discrimination Bill
Qualifications, not religion, should decide who provides pastoral care in public schools
ALP national plan abandons LGBTIQA+ protections
The Last Parliament Let Down People of Faith, This Parliament Must Do Better
Polling Results Point to Need for Religious Freedom Commissioner
Manningham Mayor makes impassioned plea: “Join forces with us and end racism”
Art bridges culture at Bondi Beach
New partnership to make school safe space for all students
Kanye West and Elon Musk both need education on Raelian symbol
Extra Funding secures voice for LGBTIQA+ young people
School staff welcome NT Anti-Discrimination Act reforms
Can This Government Deliver Fundamental Protections?
School staff welcome proposed NT Anti-Discrimination Act change
LGBTQIA+ Workers Left Out of Jobs and Skills Summit
Divisive Faux Outrage Harms Schools and Staff
Our bodies, our choice
It Is Time to Protect Students and Protect Schools
ABC Radio National – Breakfast with Patricia Karvelas
Catholic education looks forward to working with new Education Minister
Discrimination Bill Missed Opportunity To Modernise
Religious ‘Mouse’ Has Roared Again
Challenging five years of transphobia
Our Plan for Freedom and Equality
Schools and Students Deserve Certainty
Greens to appoint Minister for Equality, fund LGBTIQA+ health services, and end discrimination
Catholic education seeks clarity from parties on election priorities
Next Parliament Must Protect Religious Freedom
“Man shall not live by bread alone”
Religion vs. human rights: Should law put one before other?
Federal anti-corruption commission ruled out before election as government refuses to introduce bill
Ai Group releases pre-election statements on workplace relations policies
Coalition blocks debate on tougher corruption watchdog
Cr Wayne Sproull – Maryborough Advertiser
University of Toronto marks entrustment of Anti-Semitism Working Group Report
Doorstop – Parliament House 14 February
2GB Drive with Jim Wilson
Eminent Australians with Disability Rally against Religious Discrimination Bill
Doorstop – Parliament House
Senate must amend or reject Religious Discrimination Bill
Religious Discrimination Bill needs sensible amendments to protect our progress towards equality