Latest University of Amsterdam News

Religion and COVID-19: methodists and Church of England followers more likely to have been vaccinated than Muslims and Pentecostals
Sky-high waiting times don’t make people trust the NHS any less – why that’s potentially bad news for Rishi Sunak
Cluster of Excellence ct.qmat Marks Its 1000th Publication
Families Will Change Dramatically in Years to Come
Cleverbridge Appoints Malte Gabriel as Chief Product Officer
How your money is helping subsidise sexism in academia – and what you can do about it
Can you spot the AI impostors? We found AI faces can look more real than actual humans
Leading lawyer joins University’s space mission
Biases about bribery in certain countries facilitate corruption
Study warns of underestimated uncertainty in published research
Formula predicts effects of noise on quantum information
Committee on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers Opens Thirty-Sixth Session and Meets with Civil Society
Surprise in Quantum World
Long before Silicon Valley, scholars in ancient Iraq created an intellectual hub that revolutionised science
Shipwreck silver shines with modern technology
Study reveals intensive grassland management hampers recovery of soil food webs from drought
CSIRO superstars set to inspire careers in STEM
Can we meet basic human needs without destabilising planet?
Rare Electrical Recordings of Human Brain Give Detailed Picture of Neural Activity
Corals pass mutations acquired during their lifetimes to offspring
Gender Bias in Search Algorithms Has Effect on Users, New Study Finds
An image of Milky Way’s black hole
First image of an Invisible
Study IDs Visual Characteristics That Make People ‘Like’ Images on Instagram
New Computer Model for Black Holes
Shipwreck reveals secrets of 17th century Dutch seafaring domination
Forming beliefs in a world of filter bubbles
Research finds being proactive reduces sense of job insecurity
Crops can resist droughts thanks to microbes living in soil
Scientists reveal coronavirus camouflage that will aid hunt for vaccine
Why runner’s addiction is adding to your injury woes
A new centre for astroparticle physics theory
Ignoring cues for alcohol and fast food is hard – but is it out of our control?