Latest University of Bristol News

Can this thumb test tell if you are at increased risk of a hidden aortic aneurysm?
What your feet can tell you about your health
Our laser technique can tell apart elephant and mammoth ivory – here’s how it may disrupt the ivory trade
How a teenager helped identify a new species of giant marine reptile
Gym hygiene guide: the dangerous bacteria that lurk in dirty fitness equipment and clothes
Pubic hair: beyond brazilians, more than manscaping
Flowers may be more ancient than dinosaurs – but scientists can’t agree on when they evolved
Fossilized dinosaur eggshells can preserve amino acids, the building blocks of proteins, over millions of years
If brain transplants like the one in Poor Things were possible – this is how they might work
Eating some chocolate really might be good for you – here’s what the research says
What we learned from teaching a course on the science of happiness
Hot tubs are as full of nasty germs as you fear
What your hair can tell you about your health
University awarded £30 million to train the next generation of science and engineering researchers through four new Centres for Doctoral Training
Skin picking is often trivialised as a bad habit – but dermatillomania can be dangerous
A blow to the heart can kill you – or bring you back to life
‘Foul and loathsome’ or jewels of the natural world? The complicated history of human-frog relations
New Technical Advisory Group on Embedding Ethics in Health and Climate Change Policy (TAG-Ethics & Climate Health)
LinkedIn triggers feelings of imposter syndrome
Disinformation campaigns are undermining democracy. Here’s how we can fight back
Climate Whiplash: extreme fluctuations between drought and flooding are devastating millions of lives – exclusive WaterAid research reveals
University of Manchester to lead Sellafield’s new Centre of Expertise in Robotics and Artificial Intelligence
Dig This: ‘Neglected’ Dinosaur Had Super Senses
Fossil fuels responsible for heart arrhythmias in mammals
Webb detects quartz crystals in clouds of hot gas giant
Truth test: measure of US politicians’ misinformation
Wearable, 3D printed tech could become physio tool
Manchester researchers to take a leading role in four national energy research centres
Plastic Reducers in Aotearoa
New Musculoskeletal Genomics Group Leader joins Mater Research
Study finds cold climate adaptions promote social evolution
AI helps map postal workers in cells
Free speech vs. harmful misinformation
New WHO study: Making diagnosis of hepatitis C more accessible and closer to the community using point-of-care HCV viral load assays
Early Alzheimer’s detection step closer
Wolf coat color reflects immunity to canine distemper virus, new study finds
Research shows water fluoridation is safe for children
Teams of rivals: Shark Bay dolphin alliances key to success
No difference in sexual well-being regardless of mode of delivery after 18 years
‘Bycatch’ dolphin capture in WA not sustainable, study finds
Living longer, living better relies on affordable energy: QUT research
Endometriosis and ovarian cancer genetically tied
Financial wellbeing linked to overall health, ANZ report shows
Researcher linking earthquakes to volcanoes wins Hatherton Award
Genetics of human face begin to reveal underlying profile
Online germ advice to help stop spread of COVID-19
Shift workers at increased risk of asthma, research shows
Bound by infection: identifying how COVID-19 interacts with cells