Education News | Page 672

Gen Z teens reject traditional religion, embrace spirituality: Deakin research
ANU uncovers women cricket greats of the 1800s
Murky water keeps fish on edge
A path to wellbeing: the growing world of gardening therapy
Beauty and the grave: Sexism from Anglo-Saxon times
Wildlife struggle to cope with extreme weather
Performance enhancer: sports compression stockings a winning advantage
Artistic endeavor rises from the ashes
Study reveals high obesity rates amongst immigrant children
Molecule predicts patient’s ability to survive melanoma
Loss of intertidal ecosystem exposes coastal communities
Exhibition reflects the lived experience of working in welfare
Deck shops with boughs of holly and shoppers forgive bad service: Deakin research
Majority of dog walkers flouting leashing laws on Victorian beaches
Deck shops with boughs of holly and shoppers forgive bad service: Deakin research
Majority of dog walkers flouting leashing laws on Victorian beaches
Children’s University inspires adventurous Jai to reach for the stars
Children’s University inspires adventurous Jai to reach for the stars
UQ’s entrepreneurs aim for a sustainable future
UQ’s entrepreneurs aim for a sustainable future
Diverse psychology program has Coffs Harbour in mind
Cheaper, more efficient solar technology a step closer
Cultivating an atmosphere of respect: UNE body donor program featured in podcast
Art provides an avenue for a challenging journey
Research reveals the key to reducing prison radicalisation
Citizen scientist’s third remarkable discovery
Indigenous first among UQ’s six Fulbrights
Get a warrant: researchers demand better DNA protections
Study: Governments the barrier to water-efficient farming
La Trobe expert list for holiday season
New funding takes UQ towards clinical trials of dementia ultrasound treatment
Support for ANU initiative to build the future
Deakin’s healthy vending machines tackle bad snacking habits
Transformative degree to examine intellectual foundations of Western civilisation
Plants don’t like touch, new study finds
$7M regional medical boost
Study proves black salve is not the salvation skin cancer patients hope for
Study proves black salve is not the salvation that skin cancer patients hope for
First book a successful juggle for music researcher
OP results are almost in – but where to from here?
Tasmania must keep its youthful appeal for the sake of a sustainable population
CDU joins campaign to defend research funding
Official Opening of Building C at Southern Cross University Gold Coast campus
Fifty years of decline in Queensland’s coastal sharks
Family and culture the focus for Valedictorian
Hard work the key for Valedictorian
Bisexual women most vulnerable to poor health and wellbeing
ManuFutures tenants to grow faster thanks to Federal Government support