Latest defence system News

We tracked secret Russian missile launchers in Ukraine using public satellite data
Breakthrough in fight against chemically resistant dieback
AI may be to blame for our failure to make contact with alien civilisations
Curious Kids: what stops meteors hitting Earth and hurting people?
Australia continues to stand with Ukraine
Defence scientists tackle underwater communication
State Election Project Advocacy List
Codan Communications | DTC Appoints Matthew Jones as Vice President of Asia Pacific and Expands Senior Leadership Team
Gut microbiome: meet Lactobacillus acidophilus – the gut health superhero
T cells team-up to protect the liver from infection
More than $3.4 million in grants for Australian Defence Industry Manufacturing
Farewell and welcome in one ceremony
Expanded PBS listings make vital treatments more affordable
Defence seeks partners for Advanced Strategic Capabilities Accelerator’s first mission projects
Pushing boundaries of innovation
Impasse between Israel and Hamas
Army’s first live-fire of advanced surface-to-air missile system
Pivotal role of TLR7 protein revealed in lung disease
Sleeves up as science tackles citrus virus
Milestone for air and missile defence
Albanese Government invests in air and missile defence systems
Charles Street Bridge to close for flood exercise
Chasing bacterial evolution to safeguard human health
Yeast dust makes cheap, fast virus test
History in making
New discovery set to boost disease-resistant rice
Supercharged brain cancer treatment advances to clinical trial
Ship’s mileage is out of this world
Five nations working as one
Melbourne announced as new home of Land Forces Expo from 2024
New results from NASA’s DART planetary defence mission confirm we could deflect deadly asteroids
Melbourne Set To Host Land Forces Expo In 2024 And Beyond
Barley work at CCDM fights back at net blotch
Captive breeding to prevent extinction
Here’s how brain works when we choose to help someone in danger
Indonesia and Australia conclude joint maritime operation
New research identifies bacterial ‘Jekyll and Hyde’ molecule involved in immune responses
Army engineers new way of thinking
Firing first for Supply
Stomach cancer trigger revealed
Residents invited to levee information sessions
$700 million defence facility expansion to protect nation and deliver jobs in Eden-Monaro
Robotics key factor in career choice
Defence chiefs to give evidence during Royal Commission Sydney hearing
In dialogue with Bolivia, Experts of Committee against Torture welcome progress against gender-based violence and ask about prison
Report stemming from Operation Burnham Inquiry recommends improvements
New research identifies which T cells patrol body
Fats fighting back against bacteria