Latest Ethiopia News

Global report reveals major gaps in menstrual health and hygiene in schools
Gene-ius Mum Of Four Proves Perseverance Is In Her DNA
Rael, the Machiah, denounces the genocide perpetrated by Israel
Novel Calculations Peg Age Of ‘baby’ Asteroid
Energy Trades Could Help Resolve Nile Conflict
Fostering Future Of Business In Africa
Promising patient-friendly oral drug against visceral leishmaniasis enters Phase II clinical trial in Ethiopia
Humanitarian support for Ethiopia and Somalia
WHO prequalifies new oral simplified vaccine for cholera
Solar energy can uplift rural Ethiopians, but is hard to come by
WHO sounds alarm on viral hepatitis infections claiming 3500 lives each day
International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement urges support for conflict victims: “We cannot let Sudan become another forgotten crisis”
Message by the Director of the Department of Immunization, Vaccines and Biologicals at WHO – March 2024
Global deployment of rapid diagnostic tests to boost fight against cholera
Millions at risk from cholera due to lack of clean water, soap and toilets, and shortage of cholera vaccine
Leprosy cases are rising in the US – what is the ancient disease and why is it spreading now?
Boosting Mental Health Support For Diverse Communities 8 March
Pancreatic Cancer Rising In Younger People
Wave of new commitments marks historic step towards the elimination of cervical cancer
Ethiopian Airlines to Expand Widebody Fleet with Up to 20 Boeing 777X Jets
NZ can help people fleeing Gaza with emergency family reunification – will the government act?
Horrific violations and abuses as fighting spreads – report: Sudan
As Mounting Climate Chaos, Food Crisis Undermine International Peace, Secretary-General Tell Security Council It Must ‘Act Now’ to Resolve Conflicts, Protect People
Experts of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women Commend Djibouti on Legislative and Judicial Reforms, Ask about the Impact…
Oxfam warns of growing hunger crisis in Tigray as families resort to extreme measures to survive
Daily Press Briefing by the Office of the Spokesperson for the Secretary-General
New citizens welcomed in Australia Day citizenship ceremony
Half a million net migration shows Government totally lost control
East Africa’s floods decimate almost entire rainy season harvest leaving over four million people with no food or income
What does Australian-grown coffee taste like, and how does it compare? Our research describes its unique ‘terroir’
WHO’s annual malaria report spotlights the growing threat of climate change
Christabel Pankhurst Institute for Health Technology and Innovation officially opens flagship building
Boeing and U.S. Government Launch Initiative to Advance Sustainable Aviation Fuel among APEC Economies
Global measles threat continues to grow as another year passes with millions of children unvaccinated
Climate Whiplash: extreme fluctuations between drought and flooding are devastating millions of lives – exclusive WaterAid research reveals
Ethiopian Airlines Agrees to Landmark Order for Up to 67 Boeing Jets
Boeing and Zero Petroleum to Work Together to Advance Sustainable Aviation Fuels
Whose job will AI replace? Here’s why a clerk in Ethiopia has more to fear than one in California
Women are increasingly at-risk in conflict and underrepresented in peace processes, according to a UN report
Speakers in Security Council Call for Expanding United Nations-African Union Partnership to Tackle Rising Violence, Humanitarian Crises across Africa
$7.3M grant to expand wheat pathogen surveillance 12 October
Conflicts, Disasters Driving More Migrants to Risk Mediterranean Crossing, Briefers Warn Security Council Ahead of Libya Mandate Decision
Analysis – Gulf Cooperation Council’s shelf-life limit for chilled vacuum-packed red meat
UNHCR, WHO warn of deteriorating health conditions as 1,200 children die of suspected measles, malnutrition in Sudan
City of Newcastle confers its newest Australian citizens
Sudan’s Worsening Violence, Humanitarian Crisis Could Foreshadow Civil War, Senior Officials Warn Security Council, Calling for Urgent Action to End Conflict