Latest respiratory tract infection News

Cessnock Medicare Urgent Care Clinic delivering care where it’s needed
Migraine sufferers in England may soon be able to access preventative drug – here’s how atogepant works
Next Science says study shows efficacy in reducing infection when used in knee arthroplasty
Russ Cook: what running across Africa does to the human body
QLD and NSW secure infant RSV immunisation: Australia must Unite Against RSV with nationwide immunisation program
2024 RSV Infant Immunisation Program
WA first to secure infant RSV immunisation – CORRECT PHONE NUMBER: 0421 483 391
WA first to secure infant RSV immunisation
Acquisition of Icosavax Completed
Cairns South Medicare UCC is seeing 20-30 patients a day to help ease pressure on emergency department
Beyfortus approved in China for the prevention of RSV disease in infants
AstraZeneca to acquire Icosavax, including potential first-in-class RSV and hMPV combination vaccine with positive Phase II data
It’s time to weigh up harm from antibiotics: new report
Soliris approved in China for the treatment of adults with neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder (NMOSD)
Wastewater detects signs of antimicrobial resistance in aged care
SOMALIA: Two in five children to suffer from acute malnutrition despite rains
ENA respiratory expands leadership team and extends US Department of Defense funding
Taking an antidepressant? Mixing it with other medicines – including some cold and flu treatments – can be dangerous
Beyfortus approved in the US for the prevention of RSV lower respiratory tract disease in infants
Moderna submits RSV vaccine to global regulatory agencies
Emerging health and medical research leaders are solving health problems and improving health care
Soliris approved in China for treatment of adults with refractory generalised myasthenia gravis
Nirsevimab unanimously recommended by FDA Advisory Committee for the prevention of RSV lower respiratory tract disease in infants
Why is my snot green? How deep are my sinuses? Fascinating facts about mucus, noses and sprays
ECCMID data reinforces AstraZeneca’s commitment to transform protection for the most vulnerable by advancing science in vaccines and immune therapies
RSV vaccine for pregnant women provides protection for babies: study
Vertex Announces Reimbursement Agreement in Australia for TRIKAFTA® (elexacaftor/tezacaftor/ivacaftor and ivacaftor) for People With Cystic Fibrosis Ages 6-11 Years Old with at…
Broad spectrum antiviral, pegylated interferon lambda, found to be highly effective for early treatment of COVID-19 across dominant variants
Global study presents first results on longer-term effects of therapies for treatment of critically ill patients with Covid
Beyfortus approved in EU for prevention of RSV lower respiratory tract disease in infants
TGA provisionally approves Pfizer’s Covid vaccine for children aged 6 months to 5 years old
Tezspire approved in Japan for treatment of severe asthma
Ultomiris approved in Europe for treatment of adults with generalised myasthenia gravis
Tezspire approved in EU for treatment of severe asthma
Beyfortus recommended for approval in EU by CHMP for prevention of RSV lower respiratory tract disease in infants
Tezspire recommended for approval in EU by CHMP for treatment of severe asthma
Ultomiris recommended for approval in EU by CHMP for treatment of adults with generalised myasthenia gravis
Study confirms ED cases spike after Australian bushfires
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Combination nasal spray Ryaltris now approved for Australian children aged six years and older with hay fever or other year-round
Study to test anti-viral effects of Lactoferrin
Nirsevimab significantly protected infants against RSV disease in Phase III MELODY trial
Bacteria in nose may increase risk of Alzheimer’s disease – study
Nirsevimab EMA regulatory submission accepted under accelerated assessment for RSV protection in all infants
Saphnelo approved in EU for treatment of moderate to severe systemic lupus erythematosus
Saphnelo recommended for approval in EU by CHMP for treatment of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus
Tezspire approved in US for severe asthma
Zinc shown to prevent symptoms and shorten duration of common cold and flu-like illnesses