Latest University of Tokyo News

Hiding In Plain Sight
Secret Sex Life Of Coral Revealed
Understanding Broken Heart
Observing Mammalian Cells With Superfast Soft X-rays
Towards Novel Promising Perovskite-Type Ferroelectric Materials
Tokyo Tech Hosts 17th Student Support Forum
Advances in Understanding the Evolution of Stomach Loss in Agastric Fishes
Tracing Origins Of Organic Matter In Martian Sediments
Launch of new Queensland-based research and manufacturing hub targeting precision medicines
UQ hub to enable new range of precision cancer treatments
Synthesizing π-Extended Carbohelicene-Based Circularly Polarized Luminescence Emitters
World’s Highest Observatory Explores Universe
Did Vesuvius Bury Home Of First Roman Emperor?
How did the early Great Barrier Reef manage rapid environmental change?
Built-in Bionic Computing
Illusion Helps Demystify Way Vision Works
Squids’ Birthday Influences Mating
Key protein regulates immune response to viruses in mammal cells
Better View With New Mid-infrared Nanoscopy
Lexus Presents Time At 2024 Milan Design Week
Mixed Diets Balance Nutrition And Carbon Footprint
Natural Touch For Coastal Defense
Kerr-Enhanced Optical Spring for Next-Generation Gravitational Wave Detectors
Exploring Research Spaces and Cultural Exchange: Insights from a Karolinska Institutet Visit
Wild Bird Gestures “after You”
Brown Bears Digging Up Artificial Forests
Climate Change Shrinking Fish
Obesity Disrupts Normal Liver Function In Mice
Anti-vaccine conspiracies fuel divisive political discourse
Researchers reveal mechanism of drug reactivating tumor suppressors
Measuring neutrons to reduce nuclear waste
PSEP: An Innovative Wearable Device for Fashionable Personal Thermal Comfort
Red nets signal “stop” to insect pests, reduce need for insecticides
Predicting psychosis before it occurs
Newly Discovered Carbon Monoxide-Runaway Gap Can Help Identify Habitable Exoplanets
Researchers strike gold with improved catalyst
Bullied teens’ brains show chemical change associated with psychosis
Shuffling robot uses biological muscle to move and spin
Streamlining cognitive behavioral therapy for chronic insomnia
Surprising magnetic galaxy
Toward efficient spintronic materials Researchers reveal how magnetization direction can be controlled using strain in an interfacial multiferroic material
How jellyfish regenerate functional tentacles in days
Shock wave photographed passing through single cell
Quantum batteries break causality
Using deep learning to identify teens most in need of mental health support
Cutting-edge Biodiversity Models Will Help Assess Nature’s Vital Contributions to People
Mothers need more “exclusive breastfeeding” support
Revealing the Landscape of Software as a Medical Device Industry