$200 Back to School payment returns to reduce cost of living

NT Government

The Finocchiaro CLP Government is committed to delivering real cost of living relief for Territory families as students return to school next week.

The $200 Back to School payment is now in effect and can be used towards covering the costs of school uniforms, textbooks and stationery, as well as excursions and school camps.

This is in addition to the CLP Government’s $100 sport voucher scheme here, and free-swimming lessons here for all primary school-aged students.

Minister for Education and Training, Jo Hersey, said: “The Back to School payment provides real relief from $200 worth of costs associated with a child’s education whether those costs be uniforms, textbooks or excursions.”

“Families also have the benefit of the $100 sports voucher that helps cover the cost of registration to play all our major sports, and free swimming lessons for all primary school students,” she said.

“We are putting real money into the pockets of parents at a time when they need it most.”

Principal of Darwin Middle School, Ben McCasker, said: “It’s really important for our students and families to have a good start to the academic year and a big part of that is being organised.”

“The Back to School voucher allows our families to come in and purchase the essential items such as uniforms, book packs, just to ensure our students on day one when they come to learn, that they’re prepared, organised and have all the right equipment,” he said.

/Public Release. View in full here.