- Cook Government releases 10-year vision for culture, arts and creative industries
- More than $54 million in WA Government funding committed for key priorities over next three years
- Includes opportunities for organisations to apply for funding for community cultural facilities, equipment and technology
- New fellowships and internships announced
The Cook Government has announced a $54 million funding package as part of its ambitious 10-year vision for culture, arts and creative industries.
Creative WA outlines the Cook Government’s plan to strengthen the sector, share stories and celebrate place, and ensure more Western Australians can access and participate in culture, arts and creativity.
The plan brings together initiatives across government and explores key partnerships to ensure the creative, cultural and arts sector can deliver, and benefit from, improved social, cultural and economic outcomes for WA.
More than $54 million in WA Government funding has been committed for key priorities over the next three years. This funding includes $45 million from Lotterywest, with $30 million allocated towards arts and culture infrastructure upgrades across WA and $15 million for targeted support towards Aboriginal Art Centre infrastructure.
The Creative WA vision is based on extensive industry consultation and aims to achieve:
- social impact through community connection, improved wellbeing and mental health;
- cultural impact through strengthened cultures and enhanced liveability;
- sector development through increased cultural vibrancy and participation in creative, cultural and arts activities;
- economic growth through increasing productivity, creative industries exports and cultural tourism income; and
- job growth through growth in employment and skills in the creative, cultural and arts sector.
Initiatives for the first three years include new Creative WA Fellowships and Internships that prioritise young people, First Nations people and those living in regional and outer metropolitan locations to help them become sector leaders and grow our creative economy. Funding of $640,000 per year has been allocated.
The successful Creative Learning program, which includes the Creativity for Schools program and the Creative Learning Partnerships program, will receive a three-year extension with $1,763,000 allocated per year.
The Creativity and Wellbeing for Young People program will also continue with $1.5 million in joint funding allocated over two years from the WA Government ($1 million) and Healthway ($500,000).
Funding of $350,000 over two years will go to the Technical Services Industry and Workforce Development initiative led by CircuitWest.
For more information about Creative WA visit https://www.dlgsc.wa.gov.au/creative-wa .
Comments attributedto Premier Roger Cook:
“Creatively, WA has always punched above its weight, producing some of the finest
cultural expressions and exporting more trained, creative talent than it imports, so we are pleased to be able to provide support enabling our creatives to stay in WA.
“By strengthening pathways into creative careers and supporting education, we aim
to grow a dynamic, resilient workforce that already contributes $3.3 billion annually
to our economy and employs more than 51,000 people.
“We’ve already allocated more than $54 million towards this bold Creative WA vision that looks towards a future where WA becomes a creative haven by providing more support for the workforce who are at the core of it all.
“By 2034, we aspire to build the size and resilience of the creative, cultural and arts
sector in all parts of the State, and further increase understanding and appreciation
of the role culture, art and creativity play in our everyday lives.”
Comments attributedto Culture and the Arts Minister David Templeman:
“Our Government’s support for Creative WA is about setting WA up for success. Our cities and regions are the best place to live, work and learn when everyone can participate and benefit from culture, art and creativity.
“A key focus of the vision is people – the driver of creativity – and it supports artists, cultural workers and creative practitioners to do what they do best.
“This is an exciting time for WA, and we look forward to the transformation this vision
will bring to our State.”