AGI and Love: The Two Keys to Paradism – A World Free from Work, Money and Powers / ARM

Every year on May1st, the paradists celebrate the International Day of Paradism. This year, their message is to dispel the fears of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) and bring hope for a bright future, a new level of civilisation, a society of leisure and abundance known as Paradism.

You can find the whole message in the following article which can be published freely by extract or entirely

The recent advances in creating AGI have sparked growing concerns throughout the world, even among those who are creating it.

The article discusses why the fears of AGI are misplaced and how AGI can be designed not to enslave but to free humanity from work, money and powers.

Jarel, the author and international spokesperson for Paradism, tells us that we should not fear the excess of intelligence, but rather the lack of love. Intelligence is defined as the ability to process information with speed and accuracy. Although it is very powerful, it is neutral – neither inherently good nor bad. It is the use of intelligence that can be powerfully good or powerfully bad.

How can we be sure to use AGI only with and for love?

Discussions are taking place on how to program AGI to be aligned with our core values. “But can we trust the psychopaths who have populated our power structures, politicians and military to enforce and respect proper use of AGI for themselves when their interest dictates otherwise?” asks Jarel. “Can the alignment of AGI be done without an alignment of the elites in the first place? Can AGI be always wise if the powers who program or control it are not?”

The good news is that not only will AGI collapse capitalism by suppressing work and money but also the powers of the elites. AGI will change our systems of governance, destroying all powers by bringing a new form of anarchy.

The article states: “An AGI can better represent the people than politicians since it can listen to all of them at once and consider their views or needs when making decisions. AGI is the future of governance, not to govern the people but to help the people self-govern and make collective decisions…”

AGI governance is a democratic anarchy. It is a form of anarchy since there is no need for a power structure., and it is a direct democracy when the AGI is designed to be the servant of all the people.

As for the fear of a self-learning AGI becoming a human-like creature, an autonomous and self-aware entity that may escape our control, the article explains why, even though it would be possible to create a human-like creature, it is not desirable and can be easily prevented.

The danger is not that artificial intelligence outperforms natural intelligence. Jarel who is an engineer and professional programmer explains “The programming of intelligence, the algorithms to answer questions quickly and accurately, are not the same as those that would enable consciousness and free will… The abilities to answer questions from a database, to be aware of answering questions, and to provide one’s own answers, are separate abilities that are not spontaneous emergence’s but algorithms written to process information in very specific ways… As much as it can be done, there is no need to do it…What we need are intelligent but totally submissive machines like dishwashers that do the tasks we don’t enjoy doing. We need and we can design AGIs to be totally happy slaves that never wish to become masters.”

The article concludes with “If we design AGI to love us and if we use it for love, we will create for ourselves a wonderful future beyond capitalism, beyond work, beyond money, beyond powers, classes and privileges. It is a future that is more abundant, more equitable, more just, and more fulfilling than anything we have ever known and imagined. It will be Paradism.”


/Public Release.