Attracting More Flights To And From Tasmania

Tasmanian Government

A $5 million Aviation Attraction Fund, launched today, will increase domestic flights to and from Tasmania and enhance the potential for new international routes for locals and visitors alike.

Premier and Minister for Tourism, Jeremy Rockliff, said the new Aviation Attraction Fund would help to secure new routes from domestic and international destinations or extend existing seasonal services.

“This investment will drive visitation – boosting our local economy, supporting jobs and creating more opportunities for Tasmanians,” Premier Rockliff said.

“For Tasmanians, it will mean more choices when they travel interstate or overseas, and support for our trade and export markets.

“Our Aviation Attraction Fund will support the business cases to deliver new international and domestic opportunities and increase overall air capacity to Tasmania, opening up more options in both directions, and generate demand for new routes to be offered.”

Hobart Airport CEO Norris Carter said the Aviation Attraction Fund would help to unlock huge benefits for Tasmania.

“Aviation is a competitive business, and these funds will give Tasmania a competitive edge to secure new and extra domestic and international flights,” Mr Carter said.

“Importantly, this fund will go a long way to helping to secure direct international flights to Asia, once we complete our $130 million runway upgrade in the middle of this year.”

Launceston Airport CEO Shane O’Hare said welcomed the announcement.

“Today’s announcement will ensure Launceston Airport can competitively engage with domestic airlines to attract more vital connections for our passengers in what is a very competitive domestic market,” Mr O’Hare said.

“The tourism industry brings billions of dollars into the state each year and supports tens of thousands of jobs which is why we’ve been strong advocates for the establishment of an aviation attraction fund and believe it is vital for Tasmania to compete with other states to attract aviation investment.”

Tourism Industry Council Tasmania CEO Amy Hills said with Tasmania being an island state, our access partners play a crucial role in supporting Tasmania’s visitor economy and we welcome the Tasmanian Government taking this important next step in implementing its election commitment.

“As destinations across Australia and across the globe compete for the visitor dollar, Tasmania must keep pace and remain as competitive as possible. Part of that is making it as easy and affordable as possible to get onto and off the island,” Ms Hills said.

The Aviation Fund is an important part of the Government’s 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania’s Future and will help establish new routes or boost seasonal routes between Tasmania and mainland Australia, as well as supporting the introduction of new international routes into the state.

“With applications now open, we encourage Tasmanian airports to work closely with domestic and international airlines and the Government to ensure we can make the biggest gains from this investment,” the Premier said.

“We know Tasmania is one of the best places in the world to visit, and more and more people are experiencing all that our great State has to offer. By offering more routes and flights, we are sending a message to the world that we are the place to visit and do business.

“Importantly, the program is timed perfectly with the upgrades to both Hobart and Launceston airports.”

The Aviation Attraction Fund supports both Tasmania’s 2030 Visitor Economy Strategy and the Tasmanian Trade Strategy 2019-2025.

/Public Release. View in full here.