Australians urged to take up boosters

Australian Medical Association

As winter approaches Australians are reminded that COVID is not yet behind us and precautions are necessary.

AMA President Dr Omar Khorshid featured on the ABC in his hometown of Perth, Western Australia, on the State’s decision to reopen its borders from March 3 after closure because of COVID-19.

He said although some people in WA had been nervous about reopening borders earlier in the year, the virus was now in the State, spreading quickly and not reopening would not add any more risk to the COVID situation.

Dr Khorshid said: “The hospitals have had time to prepare for COVID. There are plenty of ICU beds and although we are expecting disruptions, I am confident that those people who have to go to hospital will get the best possible care.”

AMA Vice President Dr Chris Moy told ABC radio in Adelaide that he was concerned about the number of COVID cases over the next 12 weeks heading into winder, particularly because some community complacency had crept it.

He said it was very important for those people eligible for a booster to get it and there is “almost a sort of rebellion against mask wearing”.

“I think it’s still absolutely a reasonable idea, even though mask wearing is not mandatory, to still encourage it,” Dr Moy said.

/AMA/AusMed News. View in full here.