Builders Back Reinvigorated Perth City Deal

Master Builders Association of Western Australia welcomes today’s commitment by Federal Minister for Population, Cities and Urban Infrastructure Hon Alan Tudge MP to inject more energy into the Perth City Deal.

“We welcome the vision for Perth set out by the Minister at the Master Builder’s CEO Lunch today,” John Gelavis, Executive Director of Master Builders WA said.

“There’s absolutely no doubt that Perth can put Melbourne and Sydney in the shade with a reinvigorated and reimagined City Deal if all levels of government work together,” John Gelavis said.

“Master Builders will strongly support any effort by the McGowan and Morrison Governments to build on their already substantial investment in transport infrastructure that will bust congestion and be a big help in unlocking new housing supply in Perth,” he said.

“We strongly back policies that will drive a stronger economy and mean better outcomes for our industry and the millions of Perth residents,” John Gelavis said.

“Any expansion of the vision for the Perth City Deal would build on the $29 billion investment in transport infrastructure construction activity that Master Builders forecasts will occur in the state from 2019/20 to 2023/24. As we have heard from the Reserve Bank Governor today, more investment in infrastructure is required to kick much needed economic growth and provide thousands of new jobs and billions in new building activity,” he said.

Master Builders will always back what’s good for our members, the economy and the community,” John Gelavis said.

/Public Release.