Bushfires NT lift Fire Danger Period for Alice Springs and Barkly Zones

NT Government

Following recent rainfall across the Northern Territory, the Fire Danger Period for the Alice Springs and Barkly Fire Management Zones will be lifted this weekend.

The Bureau of Meteorology has forecast a wet December, prompting Bushfires NT to scale back its firefighting operations. As a result, resources such as the helicopter with belly tank in Alice Springs and contracted loaders will be stood down.

However, Bushfires NT urges residents to remain vigilant as high fuel loads persist in the region.

The Australasian Fire and Emergency Services Authority Council (AFAC) has released its Seasonal Bushfire Outlook for Summer 2024, which highlights that recent rainfall, combined with a forecast for a wet December, will increase grass fuel loads across the Northern Territory. The outlook also indicates that fire risk remains elevated in long-unburnt areas in the southern half of the Northern Territory, stretching north of the Barkly Highway and towards the Queensland border.

Tony Fuller APM, Chief Fire Control Officer at Bushfires NT, emphasised the need for ongoing preparation:

“While we are lifting the Fire Danger Period for now, residents should remain alert as we anticipate an increased fire risk early in 2025. It’s essential that residents take this time to prepare for potential fire danger in the months ahead.”

Bushfires NT is closely monitoring conditions and may reinstate the Fire Danger Period should weather conditions change in the new year.

“Now is the time to act,” said Mr. Fuller. “Clear any flammable material, check your fire breaks, and make sure your Bushfire Survival Plan is up to date. Don’t wait until a fire is approaching to start planning.”

Bushfires NT encourages all residents of the Barkly and Alice Springs zones to prepare for potential increased fire danger in the new year.

Residents are advised to:

Remove all flammable material and foliage from around their properties.Monitor and clear any regrowth in fire breaksDevelop or update your Bushfire Survival Plan so you and your household know what to do in the event of a fire.

For fire ban information, bushfire advice, and the Bushfire Survival Plan template, visit https://securent.nt.gov.au here.

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