Business Turnover Up 2.0% In November: Australia

Business turnover rose 2.0 per cent in November in seasonally adjusted terms, with 10 of 13 industries rising, according to figures released today by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS).

Robert Ewing, ABS head of business statistics, said: “The Mining industry rise of 5.7 per cent was the main driver in this strong outcome.

“At the finer level, multiple Mining subdivisions saw a rise. This included Oil and gas extraction, up 9.5 per cent, and Metal ore mining, which rose 6.0 per cent, both driven by strong export volumes.

“Other notable rises included the Manufacturing industry and the Transport, postal and warehousing industry, both up 3.0 per cent.”

Turnover fell for three industries: Other services (-1.7 per cent), Arts and recreation services (-1.5 per cent), and Accommodation and food services (-0.3 per cent).

Business turnover indicator, change in turnover, seasonally adjusted

October 2024 to November 2024 (%)November 2023 to November 2024 (%)
Transport, postal and warehousing3.08.2
Information media and telecommunications1.97.1
Electricity, gas, water and waste services1.67.8
Wholesale trade1.33.1
Retail trade1.2-1.4
Administrative and support services0.93.5
Professional, scientific and technical services0.22.7
Accommodation and food services-0.35.9
Arts and recreation services-1.58.2
Other services-1.72.4
13-industry aggregate2.02.0

Compared to November 2023, turnover was higher for 11 of the 13 industries included in the indicator.

The industries that saw the biggest annual rises were Construction (+9.4 per cent), Transport, postal and warehousing, and Arts and recreation services (both +8.2 per cent).

The two industries which had annual falls were Mining (-10.4 per cent) and Retail trade (-1.4 per cent).

/ABS Public Release. View in full here.