Catholic Hospitals To Work With Government On Medical Device Reforms

Catholic Health Australia

Catholic Health Australia welcomes the news that the Federal Government is consulting with the wider health industry on how to improve the benefit setting process for medical devices.

CHA will continue to support the Department of Health in its quest to find a sustainable solution that delivers the most affordable and best possible health outcomes for all Australians.

CHA hospital members welcome the opportunity to engage with the Department which today released its first consultation papers on prostheses reforms.

CHA members include not-for -profit hospitals groups St Vincent’s Health Australia, St John of God Health Care, Calvary Health, Mater Health, Mercy Health, Cabrini Health and St Vincent’s Lismore and operate more than 80 hospitals treating one in ten Australians. As part of the wider private health system they perform half of all surgeries in Australia.

CHA Health Policy Director James Kemp said much work had already been done to bring down the cost of medical devices, which includes prostheses and surgical adhesives, among other things.

“The average price of a prostheses has fallen by 15% since the Federal Government embarked on reforms but CHA shares concerns on the overall cost of some items, and the way benefit levels are set in the private sector.

“Our members recognise that reforms to how we pay for medical devices is critically important and so we will continue to work with Government on sensible measures that focus on high quality patient outcomes, patient and clinician choice, and the financial sustainability of the system.”

“We want to see a balanced and evidence-based approach to ensure that hospitals across the board can deliver not just the best possible healthcare for patients but also the most affordable, however, that can only be done through a system that is fair to all parties – hospitals, clinicians and insurers.”

/Public Release.