Celebrating Our Volunteers In Health

Guy Barnett, Minister for Health, Mental Health and Wellbeing

National Volunteer Week 2024 is now underway and is another important opportunity to acknowledge all volunteers who offer their time to provide care to patients and support our health system across Tasmania.

Minister for Health, Mental Health and Wellbeing, Guy Barnett, said that volunteers provide a special and valuable contribution within hospitals, community services, Ambulance Tasmania and across Tasmania.

“This is an important time to celebrate the individuals and teams who add so much value to the services we deliver to the community,” Minister Barnett said.

“I want to sincerely thank all of our volunteers for their service to our health care system and to Tasmania as a whole.

“Volunteers provide care and support to patients and their families in their times of need every single day.

“They bolster our critical health services and improve and enhance spaces within our hospitals with their caring and kindness.

“Events are being held across the state this week for hospital, community and ambulance volunteers to gather together and be celebrated as they deserve.

“Under our 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania’s Future we are continuing our efforts to recruit even more dedicated healthcare workers, who alongside our volunteers, will enable Tasmanians to access the healthcare that they deserve.”

Ambulance Tasmania currently has 400 volunteers who contributed 211,875 rostered hours last financial year, based out of 33 locations across the State.

Information on volunteering in Tasmania’s health system can be found here: Volunteering opportunities | Tasmanian Department of Health

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