Jeremy Rockliff,Minister for Education and Training
The Hodgman Liberal Government is committed to increasing education provision in the Brighton municipality and will be investing $30 million to deliver a new high school.
The Brighton community will play a vital role in shaping the new high school.
Planning work for the new high school has progressed following the first community consultation undertaken in late 2018.
A more detailed project brief that outlines the educational provision for the new high school has been developed over the past few months and the community’s input has been key to this.
From today, a second round of community consultation will commence and will run until 26 August 2019.
Importantly, this will include a further community meeting in Brighton on Tuesday, 13 August, direct mail-outs, social media engagement, an online survey, and one-on-one engagement.
This will provide local residents and businesses the opportunity to review this project brief, including some site options for the school, and provide further important feedback.
Development of the project brief for the new high school has been a critical first step to determining suitable sites for the school.
Co-location of the new high school with the Jordan River Learning Federation School Farm is not an option as modelling showed the farm and high school would not fit together on the school farm site.
Three possible sites for the high school have been shortlisted these are Racecourse Road, Pontville alongside the sporting facilities and Elderslie Road. The shortlisted site were drawn from suggestions received from the community through the consultation undertaken last year.
The new high school will support one of the fastest-growing areas in Tasmania and provide greater learning opportunities for local students and their families.
The project will be one of the largest public works projects ever undertaken in Brighton and construction of the new high school is expected to commence in 2022.