Council’s Budget 2020/21 adopted


At a Meeting of Council last night, the Central Goldfields Shire Council Budget 2020/21 was adopted.

The adoption of the Budget followed a four week consultation process (24 June to 24 July) – with seven written submissions received by the community – and a three submitters presenting their submissions to Administrators at a Submissions Hearing on Tuesday 4 August.

The submissions included some specific questions on the Carisbrook Levee project, request for works at the Senior Citizens Clubrooms building, rating of farm land, whilst two of the submissions expressed full support for the creation of a new Council staff role of Environment Officer.

Central Goldfields Shire Chief Administrator Noel Harvey thanked the seven community members and groups who took the time to provide feedback on the Budget.

“The 2020/21 Budget has been developed at a time of uncertainty around the economic and social impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. We delayed its preparation to allow the impacts of the pandemic to be included where known and to ensure the Budget respects the challenges of the pandemic situation in the Central Goldfields.

“We know the pandemic has created much financial hardship for so many within our community and so, in March, we moved quickly to develop a financial support package so that we could directly support both our ratepayers and businesses.

“We will bring forward the review of our COVID-19 Financial Hardship Policy in light of the return to Stage 3 restrictions in Victoria and Stage 4 restrictions in Melbourne.

“The second round of restrictions will be challenging for many and so we’ll do a full review of our support measures to determine what can be extended or increased to assist ratepayers who are suffering financial hardship as a result of the pandemic.

“Economic recovery is a major priority of this year’s Budget and the $15.9 million capital works program will help stimulate our local economy – with this program of work made possible thanks to the securing of $9.487 million in funding from both Federal and State government.

“We’re also currently reviewing our Procurement Policy to ensure that local content is maximised through the procurement process for these capital projects.

“Plus, the $1.2 million Victorian Government Working for Victoria program will also help boost the local economy and ensure we have the resources to support our economic recovery efforts moving forward.”


Capital Works program:

  • Upgrades to the Maryborough Outdoor Pool – $2 million
  • Community halls and facilities improvements – $565,000
  • Upgrade to the Talbot Town Hall toilets – $250,000
  • Energy Breakthrough infrastructure upgrades – $500,000 ($1.5 million over three years)
  • Central Goldfields Art Gallery redevelopment – $675,000
  • Construction of the Skate Park in Maryborough – $645,000 (subject to grant funding)
  • Upgrades to Carisbrook Recreation Reserve – $2.2 million
  • Completion of the Carisbrook Levee – $2.6 million (subject to grant funding)
  • Repairs to Worsley Cottage – $150,000
  • Repairs to Carisbrook Scout Hall and Lions Club roof – $10,000
  • Carpark lighting and disability access – Maryborough Community House – $10,000
  • Road renewal and reseals projects – $3.4 million
  • New footpaths in Bealiba, Carisbrook, Talbot and Dunolly – $81,000
  • Footpath renewals in Maryborough – $100,000

Other key projects:

  • Planning and design for a splash park
  • Planning and design for a Youth Hub and Youth Strategy
  • Planning and design for new toilets in Rene Fox Gardens Dunolly
  • Development of a Cultural Heritage Plan for the Princes Park Grandstand
  • Development of a Master Plan for the Maryborough Railway Station
  • Development of a Climate Adaptation Plan
  • Development of a masterplan for the Philips Gardens
  • Development of a Reconciliation Action Plan
  • Development of a Waste Water Plan for Talbot
  • Review of heritage controls in Maryborough

/Public Release. View in full here.