Deputy Mayor election and budget performance on August agenda

Kempsey Shire Council

Seven of the nine councillors representing the kempsey Shire

The next Ordinary Council meeting will be held in Council Chambers from 9am on Tuesday 20 August.

The meeting will be live streamed via Council’s YouTube page and on the Kempsey Shire Council website.

For a full outline of the meeting and the discussion points, please refer to the Agenda and Business Papers.

Election of Deputy Mayor

A member of Council will be elected as Deputy Mayor by open voting and will serve this position until September 2023.

Progressing a planning proposal for 1022 Crescent Head Road

A planning proposal to divide a lot of land into two at 1022 Crescent Head Road was lodged to the Minister for Planning. The Minister has authorised Council to amend the Kempsey Local Environmental Plan 2013 minimum lot size at this location from eight hectares to four hectares.

Council is now being asked to consider the amendment to the Kempsey Local Environmental Plan 2013, following feedback from community and agencies.

In April 2022, Council agreed to submit the planning proposal for gateway determination to amend the minimum lot size defined for this location in the Kempsey Local Environmental Plan 2013, and in May 2022 permission was granted. Amending the Kempsey Local Environmental Plan 2013 is the next step in progressing this planning proposal.

Planning agreement for a park at proposed Crescent Head subdivision

Council is being asked to enter a Voluntary Planning Agreement that will see a public park provided at a 109 lot subdivision near Crescent Head (DA2100258).

As per the Kempsey Development Control Plan 2013, subdivisions of more than 50 lots must provide a local park. For this proposal, a children’s playground, fenced dog park, landscaping, open recreation spaces, bus stop and water and sewer infrastructure will be included. The proposed planning agreement will provide a suitable park, at the relative low cost of $68,671.80 in offset open space contributions.

A voluntary planning agreement represents an agreement between Council and a developer in relation to a planning proposal or development application. It is a voluntary agreement under which the developer has agreed to provide or fund public amenities or public services. A voluntary planning agreement cannot be entered into, amended or revoked unless it is placed on public exhibition for a minimum period of 28 days.

Carry Over and Revote Budgets

A carry over budget represents budgets that are carried over from the previous year’s budget for works already commenced to allow the works to be finalised using those allocations. A revote budget is a budget requested to be brought forward for works not yet commenced.

Council will be asked to adopt the 2021-22 carry over and revote budgets for inclusion in the 2022-23 budget. This permits Council to continue working on projects that were not completed or even started before 30 June. This occurs for many normal reasons including wet weather, prioritisation of other projects or as in the case of 2021-2022 the impact of events such as flooding, COVID-19, Australia’s relationships with trade partners and supply chain issues.

Allocation of voting delegates for Local Government New South Wales Annual Conference

Council will decide who will attend Local Government NSW’s Annual Conference in the Hunter Valley from Sunday 23 October to Tuesday 25 October 2022

The conference provides opportunities for Council’s to share ideas, inspire one another and determine policy direction for the coming year that can make a real difference at a local level.

2021-22 Corporate Performance check in

Council will note the corporate performance of Council in the fourth quarter of 2021-22 relating to the following documents:

  • Quarterly Budget Review Statements (full year financial review),
  • Financial Sustainability Program Status Report,
  • 2021-22 Key Performance Indicators Report,
  • 2021-22 Delivery Program and Operational Plan Exception Report, and
  • Grants Status Summary.

The documents outline information on issues that impacted Council operations such as COVID-19, flooding, wet weather events and inflation. These issues have meant some capital projects included in the 2021-22 budget delayed.

The report also notes general and grant income as well as expenses for 2021-22.

Of the $43.4 million spent on capital works for the year, the top 20 projects accounted for 76% of funds.

Capital projects


South West Rocks High Performance Centre

$4 million

Verge/Eden Street Sports Complex

$3.6 million

Fixing Country Bridges program

$3.3 million

South Kempsey Pressure Sewer

$3.3 million

Council plant and fleet replacement

$2.6 million

Sealing Point Plomer Rd (6.2km between Crescent Head and Big Hill)

$2.2 million

Moparrabah Causeway replacement on Majors Creek (March Flood Event)

$2.2 million

Armidale Rd (from Ferrier Drive to 2.9km westward)

$1.8 million

Construction at Landfill site of Waste Cell 4

$1.4 million

Crescent Head Road Berrys Lane to Maria River Road (2.6km)

$1.2 million

Plummers Lane – 1.9km (approx. 1.4km from Macleay Valley Way)

$1.2 million

South West Rocks Rd (2.5km to 3.5km south of Plummers Lane)

$1 million

Kempsey Library internal upgrade


Stuarts Point Rd. Stabilisation Essential Public Asset Rest. March Flood 2021


Armidale Rd Devils Nook Slip March 2021 Floods


Edgar Street Frederickton Stormwater (Stage 1 Kerb & Gutter and Drainage)


Clyde St Mall Car park Renewal


Stuarts Point Reservoir


Kempsey Shire Rural Rds. Reseal


Rankine Street Crescent Head CBD footpath renewal


Total of top 20 capital expenditure projects

$32.8 million

The financial year end status for the 2021-22 Delivery Program and Operational Plan based on fourth quarter shows 81% of actions completed, noting issues that impacted progress.

Setting our KPIs for 2022-23

Council is being asked to endorse the following proposed key performance indicators for the 2022-23 financial year:

KPI description

Our Finances

Operating result compared to budget

Measures Council’s financial operating performance for the 2022-23 financial year

Actual Operating result (before Capital Grants and Contributions) compared to budget year to date

Capital expenditure compared to budget

Measures Council’s capital expenditure performance for the 2022-23 financial year

Capital Expenditure compared to budget year to date

Financial Sustainability

Measures the progress of implementing the adopted Financial Sustainability Program

Financial Sustainability initiatives are tracking according to plan

Our Services

Delivery of Operational Plan actions and projects

Measure of Council’s performance in delivering actions included within the adopted Operational Plan

More than 90% of Operational Plan actions are delivered on time

Our Assets

Asset management

Measures the progress of implementing improvement initiatives within the adopted Strategic Asset Management Plan (note: once data accuracy improves asset related KPIs will be reported on)

Asset management improvement initiatives are tracking according to plan

Our People

Lost Time Injuries

Measure of employee safety performance

Lost time injuries are 10% lower than the preceding 5-year rolling average (note: progressing towards a zero-harm target)

Employee well-being

Measures the progress of implementing strategies to be a mentally healthy workplace

Strategy and key initiatives developed and implemented according to plan

Employee engagement

Measures the engagement of Council employees as measured by The Voice engagement survey

More than 77% of employees are engaged according to the employee engagement survey

Workforce management

Measures the progress of implementing the adopted Workforce Management Plan

Workforce management initiatives are tracking according to plan

Our Community

Overall satisfaction with Council

Measures community overall satisfaction with Council utilising the biennial customer satisfaction survey (2019 and 2020 = 79% satisfaction)

More than 80% of Kempsey Shire residents are somewhat to very satisfied with Council’s performance

Our Governance

Closure of high-risk internal audit items

Measures overdue high-risk audit actions

No high-risk internal audit actions overdue as reported to Council’s Audit and Risk Committee

Reform of employment zones

Council will receive and note submissions made on the NSW Government’s Employment Zone Reform.

At this stage, Council is only noting submissions made, which do not require Council to amended employment zones for the Kempsey Local Environmental Plan 2013.

If the state government mandate employment zones or land use amendments, Council will need adopt these.

Order of Business considered in open session includes:

9.1 Election of Deputy Mayor

9.2 Planning Proposal PP-2021-7144 – 1022 Crescent Head Road, Crescent Head

9.3 Planning Agreement for a Park at Crescent Head

9.4 Carry Over and Revote Budgets

9.5 LGNSW Annual Conference 2022

9.6 Corporate Performance Report 2021-22 – Quarter 4

9.7 Key Performance Indicators 2022-2023

9.8 KLEP2013 – Employment Zones Reforms

9.9 Statement of Cash and Investments – July 2022

Speak about items on the agenda

Before each ordinary meeting, Council holds a public forum to hear from members of the community about items on its business agenda. Public forums may also be held before extraordinary Council meetings and Council committee meetings.

Applications to speak at the public forum close at noon on Friday. If you wish to address Council, please see apply to speak at a public forum.

/Public Release. View in full here.