Australian Wildlife Conservancy’s (AWC) ecologists and the native wildlife at Yookamurra Wildlife Sanctuary, on the land of Ngarrindjeri Nation, will feature in ABC’s new provocative series Eat the Invaders (hyperlink to series on ABC iview).
Hosted by Australian TV presenter and former footy player, Tony Armstrong, the series delves into the devastating impacts of invasive plants and animals on Australia’s unique biodiversity and considers a controversial way of dealing with the problem… eat them.

“[Armstrong] will attempt to turn our unwanted ecological trash into desirable culinary gold, in a provocative attempt to Eat the Invaders,” a promo for the six-episode series reads.
In episode five, airing on ABC TV at 8:30pm on Tuesday 4 February, AWC’s Dr Alexandra Ross takes Armstrong around Yookamurra’s 1,100-hectare feral predator-free fenced area and introduces him to a variety of native species that were once absent from the landscape due to predation by feral cats and foxes.

Burrowing Bettongs, Bilbies and even an adorable Southern Hairy-nosed Wombat will make appearances throughout the episode as Dr Ross highlights the importance of managing introduced predators such as cats, and protecting Australian wildlife.
Eat the Invaders will premiere on Tuesday 7 January at 8.30pm on ABC iview. Watch here: Eat The Invaders : ABC iview