Every day is a day to protect our environment

This World Environment Day, Saturday 5 June, we’re highlighting some of environmental initiatives that help protect our environment everyday.

While we couldn’t go ahead with all the events and activities we’d planned this year, there are still projects and events that you can get involved in right now:

Hume Solar Rollout

The Hume Solar Rollout makes it easier for residents to take advantage of rebates and loans (each of up to offered by the Victorian Government’s Solar Home’s program. Generating your own renewable energy from solar panels can save a typical household up to $890 a year on electricity bills reduce your greenhouse gas emissions.You can join for our Hume Solar Rollout information session this Tuesday 8 June from 6.15pm.

Gardens for wildlife

The Garden’s for Wildlife program is a new initiative that aims to support residents to create wildlife-friendly gardens. The program will officially launch on Saturday 17 July (rescheduled from this Saturday) with their Blossoming Bees and Butterflies event, but you can already register for Gardens for Wildlife workshop series’ in Broadmeadows, Craigieburn and Sunbury.

Environmental Scholarships

Environmental scholarships support those who live, work or volunteer in Hume to create positive environmental change by providing financial assistance towards environmental education. These scholarships can be applied for all year round.

Greening Events

You can get involved in revegetation and greening projects across Hume City! You can book your spot for our scheduled events, which include:

What else does Council to do protect our local environment?

/Public Release. View in full here.