Ferntree Gully Man Fined Over Traralgon Fuel Tank Leak

EPA Victoria has fined a Ferntree Gully man more than a thousand dollars over a leak from an old service station’s underground petrol tank at Traralgon.

The $1,185 fine is for failing to provide documented proof that there had been progress on dealing with the leak.

EPA issued the man with an Environmental Action Notice (EAN) after an investigation into unexpected cracks in the driveway of the premises at 180 Argyle St, Traralgon.

The old Underground Petrol Storage System (UPSS) had been shifting in the ground after heavy rain, causing the cracks and leading to apparent contamination of the soil.

EPA officers inspecting the site found water with a rainbow sheen seeping out from the ground between concrete joints.

The official notice required the man to produce proof that the UPSS had been safely decommissioned. It also ordered him to engage a qualified consultant who would test soil and groundwater, map the contamination, and advise on how to fix the problem.

Under the Environment Protection Act 2017 and the Infringements Act 2006, the man has the right to have the infringement notice reviewed or be considered by a court.

Members of the public can report pollution by calling EPA’s 24-hour hotline on 1300 372 842 or providing details online at epa.vic.gov.au/report-pollution/reporting-pollution

/Public Release. View in full here.