Firies open virtual doors to community to spread winter safety message

Hundreds of fire stations across the state will be digitally opening their doors to the community for Fire and Rescue (FRNSW) Open Week, inviting people to learn more about how to stay safe this winter.

Minister for Police and Emergency Services David Elliott said it was more important than ever to prepare homes for winter, as families were spending more time at home due to COVID-19 restrictions.

“Firefighters spent a tumultuous summer protecting NSW residents from the fires raging outside the home, but now is the time for residents to take care, listen to the experts and ensure your families are protected from the dangers inside the home,” Mr Elliott said.

“The COVID-19 pandemic has also seen many people rightly using more hand sanitiser, but they must be reminded that sanitiser contains flammable alcohol and they must ensure their hands are completely dry before coming into contact with a naked flame.”

From 10am this Saturday 16 May until 4pm Friday 22 May, the community will be able to go on a virtual tour of their local fire station with live demonstrations, Q&A sessions with firefighters, and gain an inside look into what goes on behind closed doors to protect the community from fire, floods, natural disasters and pandemics.

/Public Release. View in full here.