Fitbits for sharks, studying brains of dead, and why maggots are our new best friends

National Science Week

Great National Science Week stories featuring top women in STEM up for grabs now around Australia.

  • Career advice from astrophysicist Professor Lisa Harvey-Smith
  • Learn why maggots are our new best friends
  • Find out what robot makers, illustrators and indigenous storytellers have in common
  • Catch up with Ili Baré’s Australian compelling documentary, The Leadership
  • Why is geotechnical engineering the best job in the world?
  • Explore the reality of women in STEM, and ways to address gender inequality in the industry

These are just a few of the events and activities happening across Australia during National Science Week (August 15 to 23).

If you’re after more great ideas for highly visual stories, don’t hesitate to

/Public Release.