Gang Crime Squad have charged multiple members of the Mongols Outlaw Motorcycle Gang, after an alleged incident at a licensed premises in Secret Harbour on 26 August 2022.
It will be alleged around 9:30pm, a group of 12 Mongols OMCG members approached a group of three Mongrel Mob OMCG members at a licensed premises in Perth’s southern suburbs.
It will be alleged a verbal altercation occurred between the two groups, before a violent physical altercation took place. This occurred while a number of innocent patrons were also present in the premises.
Extensive inquiries were conducted resulting in a number of search warrants being executed on 1 September 2022.
As a result of inquiries, six Mongol OMCG members have been arrested and charged with various offences, including ‘fighting in public causing fear’ and ‘Displayed insignia of an identified organisation in a public place’. These are serious offences where sentencing options include imprisonment.
The charged individuals are all due to face court later this month.
Inquiries are ongoing into the alleged incident and further charges may follow.
Additionally, Licensing Enforcement Unit are progressing Barring Notices under the Liquor Control Act are also being progressed for each of the involved persons.