Have your say on new research agenda

Dr David Russel-Weisz presenting at the health and medical research innovation forum

Anyone wishing to contribute to the development of a strategy for the Future Health and Research Innovation Fund and research component of the WA Cancer Plan 2020-25 is encouraged to have their say online.

Two online surveys – one for the FHRI Fund (external site) and one for cancer research (external site) will be open for feedback until Friday 7 June 2019.

Opening of these online consultations follows a successful stakeholder forum organised recently by the Department of Health, during which about 200 stakeholders contributed insights and expertise that will help inform the development of the Health and Medical Research and Innovation Strategy for the Future Health Research and Innovation (FHRI) Fund, and the research component of the WA Cancer Plan 2020-2025.

The stakeholders included representatives from consumer bodies, research institutions, private companies, venture capitalists, health service providers, the Department of Health and other State Government agencies.

The FHRI Fund is a State Government commitment to establish a long-term, secure source of funding to support health and medical research, innovation and commercialisation.

Security of FHRI’s funding will be achieved by re-purposing the $1.3 billion Western Australian Future Fund and using the annual investment earnings to support outstanding and high-priority initiatives.

Work to set the direction for the FHRI Fund has far-reaching implications for health and medical research, innovation and commercialisation in Western Australia.

All interested stakeholders – individuals and organisations – are invited to participate in the online consultation.

The online consultations will be open until 7 June 2019.

Updates on the development of the WA Cancer Plan 2020-2025 will be made available throughout the development process.

/Public Release. View in full here.