Haynes Group raises over $10,000 shaving in support of blood cancer

Haynes Group

This year across our business we participated in the World’s Greatest Shave, raising over $10,000 for the Leukaemia Foundation.

Staff participated across several events in support of the cause, with many attendees going for the full shave! 

Among the many that went under the clippers, mother and son duo Kylie Shepherd (Business Development Manager) and Lochlan held an event in Mackay for the group shaving their hair together. Kylie lost her mother to breast cancer saying “It’s very rare for you to meet someone in your life that hasn’t been affected by cancer in some way. It’s a disease that hurts and impacts all of us in some way. I personally lost my mum 10 years ago from breast cancer. If by shaving my head gets even 1 more person onboard and supportive of this charity than I am happy with that.”

Haynes was overwhelmed by staff participation and customer support, helping smash our original fundraising goal of $7,500.

This year, extraordinary Australians from all states and territories will take a stand against blood cancer by rallying together to lose their locks, colour their cuts, or wax their waves in one of Australia’s most-loved charity events, the Leukaemia Foundation’s World’s Greatest Shave. 

The campaign aims to raise vital funds to support the growing number of Australians diagnosed with blood cancer including leukaemia, lymphoma, myeloma and other related blood disorders. Over 50 Australians are diagnosed with blood cancer every day. The Leukaemia Foundation’s latest Blood Cancer in Australia report1 confirms that in just 15 years, by 2035, this number will be doubled to 100 people every day.

Any day is a good day to participate in the Leukaemia Foundation’s World’s Greatest Shave. Simply download the World’s Greatest Shave app, sign up online at worldsgreatestshave.com or call 1800 500 088 for more information.

/Public Release. View in full here.