Inter-Valley Trade with Lower Darling is now open

The NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment has lifted the Lower- Darling inter-valley trade restriction.

This means that Lower Darling licence holders can now trade with the wider southern connected system, in accordance with well-established water trading rules.

When the Lower Darling regulated river is being managed for drought security, trade into and from the valley is closed by NSW. Trade during this time is limited to transactions between eligible licence holders within the Lower Darling valley only.

However, now that the Menindee Lakes system holds more than 640 gigalitres of water, and has become a shared River Murray resource, it is appropriate that inter-valley trade be allowed.

Conditions will be closely monitored. When the Menindee Lakes system next falls to below 480 gigalitres it is likely inter-valley trade will again be restricted in order to protect the water users, environments and communities in the Lower Darling valley.

/Public Release. View in full here.