Major new appointment looks to Outback Pioneers future

Outback Pioneers, Longreach

Outback Pioneers is delighted to announce that Tony Martin, former CEO of Qantas Founders Museum, has joined them as Business Futures Director.

This leadership position will help the award-winning Longreach tourism enterprise extend its mission of inspiring and educating people to experience, value and preserve the real Australian outback and pioneering heritage.

Outback Pioneers founder and director, Richard Kinnon, said they are very excited to have Tony aboard to help them plan and develop future projects and partnerships.

“Tony brings outstanding leadership experience and knowledge of tourism to help us achieve our vision through exciting new projects and partnerships,” Richard Kinnon said.

As CEO of Qantas Founders Museum, Tony Martin led major infrastructure expansion and delivered the museum’s new Luminescence Longreach experience, which is resulting in a major increase in visitor numbers and tourism growth in the region.

His experience as General Manager of Outback Queensland Tourism Association, as a Longreach Shire Councillor and as Director of Operations for the Sydney Harbour Bridge Climb and Story Bridge Climb also give him exceptional insight into tourism opportunities. He is also a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and was awarded Rural Remote Manager of the year by the Australian Institute of Management.

“We have some exciting new experiences planned for Longreach and other opportunities to help tell the Australian pioneering story,” Richard Kinnon said.

“Tony will help us bring those ideas to life and grow the tourist visitors to the outback and beyond. His role will support new opportunities for our business partners as well as working towards our legacy for future Australian generations.”

Tony officially started his new position on 23 January and is looking forward to working with Outback Pioneers and its partners, as well as government and tourism organisations.

“I am very excited to be joining the team at Outback Pioneers and will focus on delivering world class experiences, which will further enthral guests with outback pioneering stories,” Tony Martin said.

“Creating inspiring new products and experiences for our region is vital for the economic growth of our communities and the sustainability of our tourism industry.

“Watch this space for more big announcements soon,” Tony Martin said.

/Public Release.