McGowan Government delivering strong future for Peel

  • State Budget delivers cost of living relief for regional Western Australians
  • Major investments into regional health, housing, jobs and training
  • Multi-billion-dollar package to transform WA’s energy system for a cleaner, stronger future
  • More than $4 billion delivered through Royalties for Regions program

The McGowan Government is delivering for the Peel, providing cost of living support for Peel residents while investing significantly in health, housing, and Western Australia’s transition to cleaner, stronger, reliable, and affordable energy.

The 2023-24 Budget features a massive $11.2 billion investment in regional infrastructure as well as billions more in regional service delivery.

The State Budget includes $4 billion in Royalties for Regions expenditure over the next four years towards initiatives that strengthen regional communities and ensure services remain close to where people live.

Regional Western Australians will benefit from the McGowan Government’s $715 million commitment to deliver further cost of living relief, including providing every WA household with a $400 electricity credit and additional targeted support totalling $826 for households who need it most.

As part of its commitment to keeping power and water affordable for all Western Australians, the McGowan Government will spend $2.7 billion over the next four years to subsidise the costs of providing water and electricity to regional residents.

The McGowan Government is delivering a record $2.7 billion additional investment into WA’s health system, with the 2023-24 State Budget featuring a significant investment into regional health and mental health, including:

  • over $2.2 billion per annum on regional health and mental health services; and
  • $28.5 million for initiatives to attract and retain key health and mental health professionals, primarily to work in regional WA, with priority given to hard-to-staff sites.

The 2023-24 State Budget strengthens the McGowan Government’s record investment into housing, including:

  • $450 million into the Social Housing Investment Fund to deliver more social housing across the State; and
  • $12 million over four years to deliver more development ready land throughout regional WA, through the Regional Development Assistance Program.

The 2023-24 State Budget is a major investment into WA’s future, tackling climate change through a $3 billion package, ensuring the State has cleaner, stronger, reliable, and affordable energy into the future as well as investing in the environment. Peel initiatives include:

  • $2.8 billion investment to transition WA’s energy system for a low-carbon future;
  • $18.8 million to continue the Healthy Estuaries WA program to improve water quality of estuaries across the region;
  • $36 million to create dozens of new jobs to help deliver on the historic decision to end native logging;
  • $22.2 million to assist industry transition to the mandatory sheep and goat eID system to bolster WA’s animal biosecurity defences;
  • $20.2 million to extend vital drought resilience initiatives helping future-proof Western Australian farms; and
  • $10.4 million to boost WA’s emergency animal disease preparedness following overseas outbreaks of Foot and Mouth Disease and Lumpy Skin Disease.

The McGowan Government’s 2023-24 State Budget continues to deliver on the WA Jobs Plan, diversifying regional economies, creating new jobs for the future and developing a pipeline of skills in the regions. Key Peel initiatives include:

  • $6.5 million to implement the Western Australian Aquaculture Development Plan;
  • $2 million from the New Industries Fund to support regional entrepreneurs in the innovation sector;
  • $2.5 million to increase the travel accommodation allowance for regional TAFE students;
  • $2.9 million to provide a weekly allowance for regional students studying a Diploma of Nursing;
  • $6.8 million for upgrades at Agricultural Colleges around the State; and
  • $2.4 million to complete the Waroona Town Centre Revitalisation project.

The McGowan Government continues its record investment into regional roads and transport projects, including:

  • a further $407 million on regional road projects and initiatives being invested in this Budget, bringing the total investment over the next four years to $5.3 billion; and
  • a $175 million boost to the jointly Commonwealth-State funded Regional Road Safety Program, to continue to deliver life-saving works on regional roads.

The 2023-24 State Budget will help to build safe, strong and fair regional communities, with initiatives in the Peel including:

  • $11.7 million to continue the Target 120 rollout across the regions, including in Mandurah;
  • $1.1 million to continue the Respectful Relationships Teaching Support Program and the provision of culturally appropriate services for victims of family and domestic violence in regional areas;
  • $4.9 million to continue the Regional Athlete Support Program to help regionally-based talented athletes meet their full potential; and
  • $700,000 to continue the Rural, Regional and Remote Network program to support regional women.

The McGowan Government will also invest $77 million to manage and protect Aboriginal cultural heritage in WA, including support for new Local Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Services.

This year’s Budget builds on the diverse range of projects and programs already underway in the Peel region, including:

  • $152 million redevelopment and expansion of the Peel Health Campus, and bringing it into public hands;
  • $1.5 million for a new STEM classroom at Halls Head College;
  • $11.2 million for a new performing arts centre and sports hall at Pinjarra Senior High School, currently under construction, plus $1.5 million for a new STEM classroom;
  • $72 million for the new Lakelands METRONET station, due to open in June;
  • $250 million for the Pinjarra Heavy Haulage Deviation, planning currently underway;
  • $110 million to duplicate Mandurah Estuary bridge, planning currently underway;
  • $28.1 million for an expanded Common Ground facility to accommodate and support vulnerable people in Mandurah, planning underway; and
  • $20 million towards the Keirnan Park Recreation Precinct development.

For more information, visit

As stated by Premier Mark McGowan:

“This Budget continues our record of delivering for the Peel – helping to ease cost of living pressures and investing in the region’s future.

“My Government is investing a record amount into regional infrastructure, and delivering a significant boost for health and housing in the regions.

“Our regions have enormous potential to benefit from the transition to a prosperous low-carbon future, and our investments will deliver cleaner, stronger, reliable and affordable energy for the regions for generations to come.

“WA’s responsible financial management provides the opportunity to make significant investments in what matters to Western Australians, while keeping the Budget in a strong position for future generations.

“Our WA Jobs Plan is working, creating long-term jobs across the State, while diversifying WA’s economy, driving new job opportunities in high tech manufacturing, clean energy, agriculture, tourism and defence industries.”

As stated by Regional Development Minister Don Punch:

“By 2050, the Peel is expected to join the South-West as one of the most populated regions outside of Perth, bringing vibrancy and prosperity, as well as challenges for the community.

“In recognition of this, the McGowan Government is investing in the Peel through the 2023-24 State Budget, and delivering a range of social and infrastructure projects to support the region’s growth.

“We’re also delivering a range of cost of living and healthcare initiatives through this Budget, to further support the Peel community.

“Our significant regional investment continues in the 2023-24 State Budget, with $11.2 billion committed to the regions to deliver important projects and improve lives across the State.”

As stated by Mandurah MLA David Templeman:

“Our Government’s strong financial management is helping to set the Peel region up for the future.

“This Budget features significant investment in health, housing and training, and builds on the major commitments we have underway in the region.”

As stated by Murray-Wellington MLA Robyn Clarke:

“The Budget features huge investments for regional WA in health, housing, training and transport projects.

“This significant support will strengthen our communities in the Peel region and provide locals with new job opportunities, safer roads and improved access to services.”

As stated by Dawesville MLA Lisa Munday:

“We know what is important to our local community and that’s why we are committed to investing more in health, housing, and training.

“Supporting families in my electorate is essential to me – by helping more with your household budget and providing further relief to the cost of living.”

/Public Release. View in full here.