Mighty Playwrights set to wow audiences yet again

Goulburn Mulwaree Council


Now in its third year, Goulburn Mulwaree Library’s multi award-winning Mighty Playwrights Program continues to elevate the voices of young creative storytellers, guiding them to craft their own ideas into original stage plays.

This year’s short plays, performed by the Lieder Theatre Company, can be seen in all their splendour at the Goulburn Performing Arts Centre on Wednesday 21 and Thursday 22 September at the Goulburn Performing Arts Centre.

Come and enjoy a truly unique night of theatre that will surprise you in its depth, humour, and impact. The performances of these stories will entertain the whole family. Designed to be a creative celebration rather than a competition, the Mighty Playwrights Program asks schools to nominate an upper-primary student with an active imagination. The program seeks out those who carry a bright creative spark, but may not yet be proficient communicators or writers. The young playwrights emerge with a genuine play script and a new awareness of the power of their own words. Previous playwrights have gone on to become avid writers, school leaders, leaders in the Library’s peer reading program, and actors and stage managers of major local theatre productions.

This unique literacy experience is the only program of its kind in Australia, connecting regional schools, public libraries, and community theatre. This year’s Mighty Playwrights, aged just 10-12 years, are Ellie Bale from Windellama Public School, Riley Jordan-Fermor from Goulburn North Public School, Indie Miners from the Crescent School, Stella Moore Thompson from Tirranna Public School, Zara Ridley from Wollondilly Public School, Keida Voorden from Tallong Public School, and Adele Wakefield from St Joseph’s Primary School.

The young Playwrights have spent eight weeks in the Library, working with a mentor to create their play scripts, using only their own ideas and creativity. The stories they have created are full of humour, drama, tension, and fun.

/Public Release. View in full here.