The new S.H.E Cancer Wellness Centre is one step closer, with the concept design render released today.
The Tasmanian Government has committed $10 million over the next three years towards delivering Stage One of the new world-class centre in Hobart, as part of our 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania’s Future.
The Cancer Wellness Centre will be developed and operated by gynaecological cancer group Support Hope and Education (S.H.E) in partnership with the University of Tasmania and the Peter MacCallum Cancer Group.
Deputy Premier Guy Barnett welcomed the concept design and said the initiative will complement existing efforts in cancer treatment and research in Tasmania.
“Each week, thousands of Tasmanians receive high quality care and treatment for cancer, and as a Government, we are committed to supporting Tasmanians to access the best possible treatment and care, closer to where they live so they are surrounded by their families and loved ones,” the Deputy said.
“This dedicated wellness centre will be located opposite the Royal Hobart Hospital and provide support and comfort to Tasmanians being treated for cancer.
“It will provide vital services to Tasmanians, including psychosocial support, information, education, and system navigation, physical wellbeing, and holistic support.”
S.H.E. Chair Scott Harris said today, we are taking the next step by signing a lease and releasing renders.
“Not only will we give this fantastic building a new lease on life, but by working with the University, the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre and the Tasmanian Government we are going to help provide additional support to some of the thousands of Tasmanian families who are touched by cancer each year,” Mr Harris said.
“S.H.E. has been busy working on a business case and talking to our partners to ensure this new facility will complement other services available and integrate seamlessly into the services offered over the road at the Royal Hobart Hospital.”