On exhibition: Expenses and facilities for Mayor and Councillors


Council is seeking feedback from the community on a new draft policy that governs when, how and to what extent public funds are used to cover the costs incurred by Councillors, Mayor and Deputy Mayor in the course of performing their official duties.

This is an important policy and it’s equally important that we get it right, so we’re looking to hear from the public on the draft during this exhibition period.

The aim of this policy is to provide clear limits and processes to be followed by Council. This will ensure accountability and transparency in the payment of expenses and the provision of facilities incurred by Councillors – specifically and exclusively when carrying out their civic duties.

We believe the draft policy aligns with the NSW Office of Local Government guidelines and community expectations – put plainly, we believe the limits we’re proposing to set are reasonable. The core principle informing our work in this space is that Councillors must not obtain private or political benefit from any expenses or facility provided under this policy.

The exhibition period if open for feedback and comments from the community until 11.59pm Tuesday 24 May 2022.

Visit www.yoursaysnowymonaro.com.au to view the draft and have your say.

Please note: In the interest of full transparency, proposed expense/facility categories and their respective limits are included in a table on this page. These figures are for all Councillors collectively, not per individual.


Maximum amount total $ (shared between all Councillors)


Travel related costs (including interstate and overseas travel and accommodation )


Per year



Per year

Conference expenses


Per year

Telephone and internet charges


Per year

Carer expenses


Per year

Printing and photocopying


Per month

Stationary and office consumables


Per year

Food & catering


Per year

Plant hire


Per year


Maximum amount total $ (shared between all Councillors – excluding Mayoral phone)


Plant hire


Per year

Laptop plus 4G sim x 11


Single Council term only

/Public Release. View in full here.