Open Doors Australia calls on Australian Government to institute a National Day

Open Doors Australia calls on the Australian Government to institute a National Day for Religious Freedom.

Following the rise of extremists’ religious killings of people of faith around the world Open Doors is increasingly becoming concerned over public sentiment in Australia of the freedom to be able choose your religion, to practice it and to share it. This is a basic, fundamental human right.

“We are calling on both political parties to ensure the freedom to choose, practice and share your faith is enshrined in law and celebrated on a nationally designated day.” said Mike Gore, CEO of Open Doors Australia.

“People of faith are increasingly under threat of freely exercising their beliefs.

“Although, laws aren’t in place inhibiting faith, political and public opinion is changing.

“Instead of being ashamed of our faith, we need to create a forum and climate where faith and values are celebrated, honoured and respected.

“This day has been implemented in many nations around the world, but Australia has not enacted this Day yet,” Gore concluded.

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/Public Release.